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Adam Małysz: “No one thought the crisis would be so deep.  Kamil should be put on his feet “

Adam Małysz: “No one thought the crisis would be so deep. Kamil should be put on his feet “

Recent events in the Polish jumper group have called into question the consensus of coaching staff, players and PZN Sports Director Adam Malis. The former jumper has clearly identified the need to recall Camille Stokes, who was in crisis at the farm, from the 4-Hills match, but coach Michael Dolce spoke to the jumper and decided to start qualifying at Innsbruck. We know how it ended. – No one expected the crisis to be so deep – Says “Eagle from Vistula”.

Kamil Stoch entered the 4-Hills-tournament this winter with a winning streak in Klingon, after finishing sixth and sixteenth in Engelberg, and with the title of Polish champion just before Christmas in Jakobane. Lack of competition qualification in Innsbruck aside, Oberstdorf ranked 41st and Garmisch-Partenkirchen ranked 47th. Now the questions about the crisis of the Polish team have returned with double force, because even its leader has fallen into a huge game hole. Adam Małysz told Innsbruck what the training staff of the Polish staff is doing to address this. There is also speculation as to whether the Polish Czech coach will be able to put his allegations on the right track. Małysz, Doležal and Dr. The entire team came to some conclusions yesterday at a crisis meeting attended by Harald Pernitsch, an Austrian consultant on motor skills and bodybuilding.

Of course, many things have been explained, and my theory is somewhat confirmed. If you are in a tournament, it is difficult to deal with anything, withdraw one, appoint another … and we have a very difficult situation because this is not only a problem for the players in the World Cup, but also for the rest of the Cup Continental and FIS Cup matches. We were wondering if we could appoint someone for Kamil, but it would not make sense as our players have trouble getting into the top ten in the second league. – Malice is not hiding. – Kamil had already decided to come back to the mountain, it was clear. He was not in a bad mood and he saw that he needed a mental break from it. That’s the plan, but a lot depends on the player. You are well aware that this is a very personal game and, above all, Kamil should like it. If you can not do anything with half a mind and the player feels he needs both, that’s the golden mean, it’s easy for the coach to decide. If the player does not have this feeling … he needs a firm reaction from the coach. The primary plans are for you to stand on Kamil’s feet – Underlines.

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The sports director of the Polish team agrees that despite the success of Kamil Stoch at the pre-Christmas Poland Championships, the image of the shape of the Polish jumper can be distorted by the high starting beam that the team started. Therefore, the long tabs on the Wielka Krokiew do not fully reflect the shape of the white and red colors. – Camille’s jump on the jackpot was not good, because if Piotrek had not spoiled his first tab, he would have won. These problems somehow emerged from qualifying at Engelberg. It’s hard to say what really happened – Małysz stretches out his hands.

Until recently, there was often a lot of talk about equipment testing, for which Mika Zucker invited Polish competitors on behalf of the FIS. So, there were rumors that the Polish national team was testing new technological solutions, however, they were not yet well developed enough to yield results on the mountain. This is what the rivals are said to have inferred by making an anonymous “condemnation” of Tolesal’s team. On the other hand, it cannot be ruled out that faulty equipment or substandard suit material contributes in part to the overall team’s poor performance. However, it is difficult to expect this to be a major computer problem, especially if it is not a 100% indicator of hardware success. – The fact that we have experimented with a variety of things during the development period may have had an impact, but if we did not do so, we too would not be making progress now. We are well aware that no team is sleeping, each working on bringing something that can bring a few meters or half a meter, and today’s level is being leveled. However, I think there are no errors here. This time it is hard for us because now we are looking for reasons and we are in the middle of the season. First, the boys need to find something for you to jump better. At the end of the season you need to look for the causes and analyze what happened – Małysz firmly agrees.

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From the moment Kamil Stoch decided to withdraw from the next World Cup at Bischofshofen, the title of his personal repair training program appeared. Unfortunately, we already know that this is not easy, because the weather in Poland does not currently allow training in the mountains. Currently the only facility available is the Wielka Krokiew, but Zakopane Mountain will only open for quiet training after the upcoming weekend (then the FIS Cup match will take place there). It is not yet certain who will carry out the task of putting the champion on his feet. After all, the assistants of the Dolce & Gabbana trainers who often train with him, namely Crescors Sobsik and Masjid Masiuziak, have not yet been able to perform a “miracle”. And many are talking about a new scenario from the outside, however, this is not fully believed by the training staff.

It is not yet certain when Kamil Stokes will return to the World Cup. Yesterday we wrote about a number of possible scenarios, including a return to Jacobin (January 14-16), DTC-Newsstot (January 21-23) and Willingen (January 28-30). It is possible to even return to the February Olympic Winter Games in Beijing, such a long break will benefit the 34-year-old mood. – It all depends on what position Kamil will be in. Not just the body, but the mind as well. I think there is a lot of time for Jakobane to climb Kamil again, to hone his technique … It’s only psychological, but everyone can see it, but we have huge technical flaws. Players. No energy, no level of regression, no function, and then when the competition comes, they want more, and they get more tense. – Adam Małysz lists.

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Representatives of the Polish Ski Association avoid the topic of the future of coach Michael Dolce. However, it is not surprising that the season is still underway, with the Czech coach having significant success in the previous two seasons, and there are significant events ahead of him and his students, including the Olympics. Crisis situations and the inability to get out of it certainly do not improve a 43-year-old’s condition. – We are well aware that one day a crisis had to come because it could not be wonderful all the time. From Stephen Hornacher to last season, it was all the more fun and entertaining, and this crisis can come. However, no one thought it would be so deep and available to everyone – 39-time winner of the World Cup.

Bardos Loja, Eva Skrispeek, Julia Pitkovska,
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