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Apple is appealing the ruling and asking for changes to the App Store to be suspended

Apple is appealing the ruling and asking for changes to the App Store to be suspended

Apple is appealing the ruling and asking for changes to the App Store to be suspended

  • Despite the fact that Judge Gonzalez Roger ruled in favor of Apple in nine out of ten claims Epic Games made against the company.

  • The App Store was required to allow developers to link to third-party payment systems.

  • Given the situation, Apple has requested that the order be suspended until the failures are resolved, arguing to protect consumers and protect its platform.

Two months ago, the legal battle between Epic Games against Apple Inc. The main reason was that the video game company wanted to break Apple’s control of the App Store, accusing it of acting as a monopoly on its App Store. In the ruling, Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ruled that Epic Games must pay Apple for breach of contract with the App Store, but that Apple must allow other payment systems. Given the situation, last Friday Apple Appeal Forced him to implement the changes in 90 days, that is, on December 9.

What does the court order say?

Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ordered Apple to loosen control over payment options in the App Store and although Epic Games could not prove a violation of antitrust legislation, the judge noted that Apple’s behavior was anti-competitive.

The September 10 court order required Apple to do the following: “(1) include external links or other calls to action in your apps and metadata buttons to direct consumers to purchasing mechanisms, as well as in-app purchases and (ii) communicate with consumers through touch points voluntarily obtained from consumers By registering accounts within the application.

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the call

And although the measure is supposed to come into effect on September 9, 90 days after the decision, as Apple must allow third-party companies, if they want, to provide links or messages to external pages from the App Store. TheThe company appealed the ruling Friday and asked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, California, to suspend the permanent court order until the appeals from the two companies are resolved; However, the decision may take years.

For Apple, making changes to the App Store rules could “disrupt the delicate balance between developers and customers provided by the App Store” and that would cause unprecedented harm to the company and consumers. For this reason, he argues that the suspension will allow it to protect consumers and protect its platform while working to improve information flow, security and privacy for Apple customers, and adds that the company will work on legal, technological and economic issues in favor of evolution.
