MADRID, - "Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy" (Guardians of the Galaxy), the long-awaited action game inspired by the superhero franchise...
Sophia Trivett
Dazzling Tesla founder Elon Musk has put his last remaining property up for sale. It is a huge mansion near...
Written by Stephanie NanelliJune 15, 2021 00:29 GMT Capcom today revealed two new previews at E3 3022 for The Great...
Orlen Group plans to build a network of hydrogen centers with renewable energy sources and facilities that convert municipal waste...
Update 14. June: The availability of PS5 consoles at major providers such as Amazon, Media Markt and Saturn is currently...
First Amendment: 06/14/2021 - 08:30 Tokyo (AFP) Americans Michael and Peter Taylor, father and son, admitted Monday for the first...
Yurian times June 14, 2021, 3:06 am (Image: screenshot from official Pexels website) NVIDIA removes support for Windows 7,...
"Currently, extensive work is underway to deploy Yanosik in Android Auto. The test team is checking the functionality of the...
In the E3 2021 On June 13, Microsoft ended the Xbox and Bethesda conference with unexpected news: its refrigerator with...
Information has been sent to the Official Journal of the European Union about the announcement of a tender for the...