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Baggage Checking Comparison: Richter largely agrees

Baggage Checking Comparison: Richter largely agrees

The settlement between Apple and the authors of a class-action lawsuit has been approved in Apple’s store bag controls, at least for the most part. That means a multi-million dollar payment to thousands of current and former Apple employees, some of whom lose a lot of time every day due to regular checkups.

Apple and the authors of a class action lawsuit previously settled with each other a few weeks ago, and the years-long litigation race is over, as we mentioned in this press release. The background to this was the bag checks that Apple conducted in the retail division. Some turned into a real slowdown in the evening. Employees often spent up to three-quarters of an hour in the store after their shift.

Apple implemented these controls in several US Apple retail stores between 2009 and 2015; The company regularly announced that it was the only way to prevent high-quality products from being stolen by its employees, a statement in and of itself questionable.

The settlement was largely approved by the judge

Apple and the plaintiffs have now agreed to a settlement that provides for the payment of nearly $30 million to about 17,000 current and former Apple employees, because the plaintiffs see the hours lost in the queue as unpaid work and they were right.

competent judge Now put his signature Under the settlement, without which it could not enter into force, but he ordered some modifications. These relate, among other things, to the simplified departure from the class verb, which should also be possible electronically, for example. If the improvements are made as required, the settlement can be finally approved on July 7.

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