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Bernard Tapie: This touching tale from Gil Verdes regarding his heroic stance during the drama Furiani

Bernard Tapie: This touching tale from Gil Verdes regarding his heroic stance during the drama Furiani

Bernard Tapie died on Sunday 3 October 2021 after a battle against cancer. This Monday, October 4, 2021, Cyril Hanoun addressed the topic on the set Don’t touch my TV On this occasion, Gilles Verdes expressed with great emotion the day he considered the former president of Olympique de Marseille as its president. “hero”.

It is a battle that will last four years. In 2017, Dominique Tapie announced that her husband, Bernard Tapie, had cancer through a press release sent to AFP: “Bernard suffers from stomach cancer that extends down the esophagus. He is being treated in the oncology department of Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris with a modified chemotherapy program. We hope that an intervention will be made. Surgery is possible before the end of the year. His fighting nature and the affection of his family and loved ones, as well as the tremendous testimonies of encouragement he receives, make us optimistic.”

Since this sad announcement, tributes, both from anonymous people and personalities, have multiplied. This is the case of Cyril Hanouna who posted a few hours later Twitter : Bernard Tapie is gone. But in our heads and in our hearts he will always remain immortal. I’m sure your mother once told you, “You have to be Bernard Tapie.” But there will only be one boss and he will never be replaced. We will miss him very much. #ripboss”.

He was so humble that he didn’t want to introduce himself.”

A topic that he obviously touched on Don’t touch my TV. On this occasion, Cyril Hanouna welcomed Jean-Louis Borloo, Jacques Sigella, as well as Jacques Vendro. Everyone told a little anecdote about Bernard Tapie, including Gil Verdes. dated Cyril Hanoun returns with great emotion to the day a businessman saved his life during the drama Furiani In 1992 when a stadium collapsed during the Bastia-Olympique Marseille match, killing 19 people and injuring 2,357 spectators: “When the platform went down, it was a scene of horror. I found myself pushed, walked towards the dressing room in Marseille and at that moment I came across Bernard Tapie”Jill Verdes begins.

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“I was bleeding, I saw him, I told him ‘This is awful’, This was the first time I saw him. There was a click, he took his players to KO and took people to the ground, dying and seriously injured, with Basile Poli in particular, Take them and put them in ambulances And on that day, I’ve become my heroBecause he could have protected his players, he could have been late, but no, he was involved and he never wanted to know. He was so humble that he didn’t want to introduce himself.”, assures Jill Verdes that his throat is tight with emotion.