“Farewell Germany” star Caro Robins, 42, is known for her lavish makeup. Now she shows herself in public without makeup. Would you have known her?
Mallorca – The star of “Goodbye Germany” Dear Robins (42) She is famous for her glamorous makeup. employment Instagram She has now shown herself for the first time in public without makeup. Would you have known her?
Caro Robins (42 years old) without makeup. © Screenshot / Instagram / caroline_andreas_robens
At first glance, you can tell that Carrow Robbins attaches great importance to her appearance: not only is the reality star well trained from top to bottom. Her face is also refreshed every morning with long false eyelashes, thick black eyeliner and lipstick – according to the motto: More means more!
But the 42-year-old doesn’t always look like she’s peeled, either. In her Insta story, she has now shown the courage to be natural and presented herself without any makeup.
It seems like it’s still too early when Caro, a little sleepy, wishes a “good morning” to her 113,000 followers.
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“Oh my God,” she complains. “Oh my God, this is not the time for me.”
Not only are her fans having little trouble recognizing the blonde at this sight.
Her cell phone doesn’t seem to play along the same line: “Even my Face ID doesn’t recognize me in the morning.”
Ordinarily, the fitness fan will probably remain asleep. But she got up early for a reason: she and her husband Andreas (54) had to go to the studio due to the absence of a colleague.
The immigrant couple, made famous by the movie “Goodbye Germany”, have their own fitness studio in Mallorca. Until recently, both of them also ran their own restaurant on the Spanish island, “Iron Diner”.
For reasons of time, last year’s “Sommerhaus der Stars” winners want to abandon the restaurant and are looking for a new franchise partner.
Because the couple is very busy. In addition to their own studio and various TV appearances, they also have their own studio this year Curriculum Vitae “Light and Shadow on Mallorca – Success meets intrigue, envy and resentment” chest.
“Freelance reader. Passionate internet advocate. Prone to fits of apathy. Pop culture scholar.”
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