From shy boy from Rostock to best cyclist in the world: Jan Ulrich’s career ran almost steadily until he won the Tour de France in 1997. The 23-year-old becomes the sporting champion of the Republic overnight and a role model for an entire generation.
But after his progress, many sporting and private setbacks ensued. ARD’s five-part documentary “Being Jan Ullrich” captures all the action in the appropriate voices of Ullrich’s companions – from teammates like Uwe Bölts to Rolf Aldag and his worst rival, Lance Armstrong. The low point came in 2018, when Jan Ulrich had to go to a rehab clinic for several weeks.
Netz celebrates Ullrich documentary and feels transported to the summer of 1997 Tour de France
Filmmakers Ole Zeisler and Uli Fritz have received massive online acclaim for their documentary, which was released on Saturday. The user praises the work as a “great journey through time”. Another Twitter user wrote: “The documentary on Jan Ulrich is great.”
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Some fans even feel like going back to the summer of 1997, when Ulrich celebrated his greatest victory and an entire nation cheered on TV.
One user wrote: “I have rarely felt more passionate about sports than I ever did in #a trip– Summer at that time and I still feel betrayed today…”BEING JAN ULLRICH” to Ollie # Fitz & Tweet embed He pulls me in and down hard again. amazing!”
A quick snapshot of the network’s collected reactions to documents related to Jan Ullrich