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Eric Rubin, Andrea Legareta and his daughters ride in their spirit

Eric Rubin, Andrea Legareta and his daughters ride in their spirit

As the father of a family, Eric Rubin wants to educate his daughters Mine and Nina To have a fighting spirit for their dreams and not be overcome by adversity.

The actor and singer shares that he wants young women to follow his core and this is a relationship he finds with him Esperanza, the hero of the story Soul movie Indomitable, whose voice is also provided by his daughter Min.

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“This is so beautiful because Mia’s character finally manages to find her core and where she came from,” says Eric. Globalism.

“And even though my character was not a father present, there is a very strong connection between them, so it is very good to see how this story begins to intertwine and create a storyline.Conscious joy for father and daughter“, Add.

In 2002, the musician was part of the tape Spirit: the wild horse He set the voice in Spanish for the soundtrack, and now that he’s back in the franchise, he’s doing so with his family.

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The family says they are happy to be a part of the cinema revival. Image: a screenshot.

It also gives voice to Jim PrescottEsperanza’s father, host Andrea Legarreta (Robin’s wife) plays Esperanza’s aunt, Cora PrescottAnd her daughter, Nina, is her friend Abigail.

“Being on a project that means so much to me is a dream because I was involved in the first movie to sing Brian Adams songs, it also brought me so many gifts and connection with Jill, and now I have the opportunity to collaborate again in this epic next to my family at such a delicate moment with A movie that’s that beautiful,” says Robin.

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Follow the fall

01 In 2002, this horse came to theaters for the first time with the feature film “Spirit: The Indomitable Horse”.
02 on the small screen is the protagonist of his own series Spirit: Free Riding, which was launched in 2017 and spans eight seasons.
03 also appears in the soul: the free ride. Horse tales.

This idea is also shared by her eldest daughter, robin mineWho says what detracts from the movie is the idea of ​​following dreams.

“If I could describe the film in one word, I think it would be inspiring, because it has so many morals and nuances between the story and it’s able to connect with very real issues and solve them in a very beautiful way.”

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They call to return to the rooms

The movie starring The Wild Horse Spirit is showing today in national theaters.

In this regard, The Ruben Legaritta family Share what it means in a way that helps revitalize the seventh art form part of animated movie.

“It’s beautiful, it’s so sexy,” Andrea says.

Mia gives voice to Esperanza, the heroine of the film, who manages to find her core.

“A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to go back to the stage and the fact of being between the seats and seeing the actors on stage, which drove me from start to finish,” he recalls.

For a TV host, it is important for the public to know that they can help with all the health measures that the pools offer.

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“Cinema has influenced us for many years, since we were born, each and every one of us. We are moved, full of joy and horror and fear, to play with your feelings sounds great to me, so now that people will come back, it will be one of the first films where people will return to the cinema As a very beautiful family.”

“Cinema is our movement, full of joy and horror and fear, because they manipulate your feelings seems wonderful to me”; Andrea Legarreta, actress.