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Friday Night: Four burning questions the Fortnite Season 2 event will answer (and two that won’t)

Friday Night: Four burning questions the Fortnite Season 2 event will answer (and two that won’t)

Friday’ Nite is a weekly column in Fortnite in which Mark Delaney takes a closer look at current events in the vast world of Fortnite, with a particular focus on the game’s plot, characters, and lore. Fortnite Island is under more pressure than Pelly Island. Driving instructor, and with the potential for a Fortnite Season 2 event, given the Imagined Order’s massive Doomsday rig, it’s safe to say things are about to explode again. Fortnite live events are getting more and more exciting as the years go by, and after this story-focused season, it looks like this upcoming event will be one of the biggest and most important in history to date. Of course, this event is sure to introduce new mysteries to the greater world of Fortnite, but it also looks set to answer some lingering questions. Then again, there are other things that I’m sure this event won’t answer yet. Here are four questions that the Fortnite event will answer, plus two more that are almost certain to be postponed for at least another season.

Where was the form?

The last we saw of The Paradigm, the long-lost pilot of The Seven, was driving Team Mecha to an unknown destination. The new lobby background now shown in-game shows that the robot has been rescued, at least in part, in a mysterious scene. spoiler warning: According to the data of the mined leaks, this site is a moon in the world of Fortnite. Not our moon, but perhaps the home of The Seven, which will make exactly Island Sanctuary, an oceanfront beach home for the group of heroes. (spoilers end) It looks like we’ll find out that The Paradigm has been sidelined by The Origin, who felt they had betrayed the group based on story threads already seen this season, and were residing in that mysterious landscape. The event itself may confirm this suspicion and hopefully give us more details about what this strange world looks like.

Do the seven really work together?

It seems easy to lose faith in Origin, as we now know The Paradigm first spotted in Chapter 9 of Season 9. But the group felt cracked throughout the season. The Imagined was on her own agenda, seemingly bent on learning more about her mysterious past, which she herself cannot remember. She has recruited, or may have received unsolicited help from, her twin sister, The Order, who appears to have successfully extracted The Imagined data file from the IO servers. But will the sisters’ sliding away only lead to more discord in The Seven? The Origin doesn’t seem to like it when their allies act unexpectedly or unilaterally, and even if it does forgive the sisters for their cryptic routine, what big secret are they hiding? Perhaps you encountered it, and how will it affect the cohesion of the group in the future? Lately, The Seven has felt more like The Four or Five, but in order to take down IO, they will all need to move toward the same goal. I look forward to seeing you band together and save the day as a full unit for the first time in the game. Origin’s trust is hard to win and easy to lose.

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What is a collider?

If you jumped into Fortnite this week, you’ve probably noticed the Collider just north of the Tilted Towers. A bit hard to miss, as it is a giant, it constantly emits strange sounds, sometimes pulsing with strange glowing energy. This is the IO Doomsday device that we’ve heard a lot about, but we still don’t know what IO’s plans are for it. Without a doubt, this device will affect the final event in a big way, so I have no doubts that we will see what it will do. What interests me most is whether it is actually the same device as Midas’ strange tidal wave. The Creators Machine was seen in Chapter 2 of Season 2. As far as we know, Midas is the leader of GHOST, a special operations unit within IO. This means that he was acting on behalf of IO when he first picked up his device, which turned out to be faulty, in the second season of season two. The same? things? One reason to suspect their connection to each other, and the Midas Device may have been a prototype, is that the Midas Device tampered with the storm and the waters surrounding the island. In this week’s game, the impactor appears to be sucking water from nearby riverbeds. This machine may continue to drain the water until the island has no inland bodies of water left. Is this the hydroelectric cost of running this new machine, or are they calibrated to use water as a power source, maybe only this time I got it right? I hope what the collider does will reveal whether or not we should think of these devices as the same things.

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Why is Billy taking driving lessons?

It’s not as big of a deal as the series of existential threats constantly creeping up on and around the island, but one subplot that fans have been following this season is Billy’s ill-fated effort to learn to drive. Over the past few weeks, anthropomorphic bananas have been found on wrecked vehicles across the island. Dialogue tells us he struggles to get used to driving, but is this story a fun sideshow, or will Peely power any important vehicles in the event? If Billy shows up at the event, look for him so he can finally master the art of directing. If it didn’t show up at all, it’s safe to say that this was all a silly distraction, or maybe it was just a ditch somewhere. Some Fortnite super fans think they’ve figured it out. Talking to Ben Walker From Top5Gaming on YouTube, he tells me that what we’re seeing is likely the return of Truckasaurus, a game feature last seen in Chapter 2, which was essentially a Voltron-like machine made of wrecked vehicles. Billy may be more skilled at driving than we thought, and more like his crashes…a weird way of building things.

Who is Jane?

Over the past few seasons, we’ve been able to meet many of the people behind the names we’ve been hearing about for a while in Fortnite. The Seven, Absolute Reality, Sisters, and others are just a few of these revealing things. But we still don’t know Gino, who was first mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 2 of Season 6 when the Foundation named this enigmatic character. Today, Geno’s identity is one of the biggest puzzles still in the game, but for that reason, I don’t expect to see it rotated yet. I expect this to continue into Chapter 4, which is expected to begin at this point in the late fall of 2023.The Seven pushed IO out of all the battlefronts, but was it all a distraction so IO could build the Collider?The Seven pushed IO out of all the battlefronts, but was it all a distraction so IO could build the Collider? Some fans have speculated that Geno is the true leader of IO, the father of the two sisters, or perhaps even Storm herself. Fortnite is so unpredictable that even all of this could be true and most fans wouldn’t care about it. In any case, don’t expect this question to be answered at the end of this season.

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How does Sloan disable construction?

One of the big antics of Chapter 3 was the revelation that the game’s build mechanics are a key factor in the story. This is true enough that Slone was able to disable the building mechanic in an effort to leave Loopers more vulnerable when IO regained his power on the island. Epic is no stranger to justifying the universe’s reasons for what it shouldn’t be more than game mechanics – remember that the “episode” itself is a justification for playing the Fortnite rounds and rounds. So it was weird when Slone shut down the build with the click of a button while Resistance struggled to get it back over the next two weeks. When will Epic explain how this works in-universe? Maybe never, but at least not soon, I think. It doesn’t seem to have a space at an already packed end that will likely include the return of The Paradigm and Mecha Team Leader, as well as a particle collider destroying space rocks. *looks at the clock* Yeah, it’s time for Fortnite to get weird again.

Fuente: GameSpot