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German breeders bring 40 giraffes into the country

German breeders bring 40 giraffes into the country

March 16, 2021, 2:30 p.m.

Munich / Berlin (dpa) German breeders kill polar bears, lions or giraffes and bring fur, teeth and other parts home as trophies. For them it is not only a hobby, but also a contribution to the conservation of the species. Naturschtzer criticizes the practice of hunting – and the legal situation.

Hunters from Germany brought home 543 hunting trophies last year.

Last year, hunters from Germany brought home hundreds of animals listed as trophies at the Washington Convention on Dangerous Species.

They imported 543 hunting trophies from Africa, Canada, Argentina, the United States, Namibia, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Russia and Mongolia, at the request of Puntestock Steffi Lemke’s green member, in response to the Federal Ministry of Environment.

With more and more animal species facing extinction, it is utterly absurd that parts of protected animals are still being brought to Germany as hunting trophies – most legally, said Lemke, a spokesman for the Green Party for Nature Conservation. The destruction of their habitat, the climate crisis, the illegal and legal trade are putting pressure on the entire animal population.

Dangerous animals are hunted

Among the trophies are: 164 zebras, 109 baboons, eight elephants, 14 lions, three white horns, an ice cream and 40 giraffes, which have been preserved at the Washington Convention on International Trade in Dangerous Wildlife and Plants (quotes). According to quotes, dangerous animals are also hunted. For example, in 2020, a white rhinoceros, four protected animals, eleven leopards and three leopards were brought to Germany from Namibia.

Lemke demands that the federal government enable and stop the hunting of trophies for protected species, given the dramatic situation with the loss of the species. Daniela Fryer of Pro Wildlife said the Germans were the biggest hunters after the Americans and Spaniards. This is related to the country’s hunting tradition, but also to its paying ability.

Only legal sites are verified

To import Tropon In particular, the Federal Agency for Conservation of Nature ( PFN ) Legal sites on request only. An employee said PFN had no discretion to make a decision if the approval requirements were met. However, trophies of strictly protected organisms are not used commercially.

Between 1985 and 2015, giraffes alone shrank by 36 to 40 percent, according to the Pro Wildlife Conservation Organization. It is estimated that there are less than 100,000 giraffes in Africa. Habitat loss, poaching and legal poaching threaten animals, Pro Wildlife criticizes.

For Valentine’s Day, a hunter poses for the camera with the heart of a murdered giraffe. Enemies advertise on Facebook to ban them from the social network because they have posts with dead animals. The woman explains that file hunting on Facebook is a tool to save some creatures from extinction.

Legal and well-organized file hunting programs

Under certain conditions, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) views it as such – although the title is controversial. The IUCN reports that there are examples of corruption, lack of transparency, over-allocation, poaching and poor surveillance in many countries. However, legitimate, well-organized file hunting programs may play a key role in protecting wildlife and livelihoods for local people. This list lists examples of increased populations of some endangered animals in countries where hunting is permitted.

International Council for the Protection of Sports and Hunting in Germany (CIC) and the German Hunting Association ( DJV ). Where hunting is prohibited, stocks go into the cellar, says a foreign hunting expert from both hunting associations. Population pressure is very high in Africa. Livestock is one of the main sources of income. When there is no value to wildlife, the savannah is converted into pasture. Wild animals are losing their habitat. If you make concessions through hunting, the motivation to protect the animals is great. Giving hunting rights to wealthy clients is part of the self-determination of local people.

The best picture of animals?

This country has an idealized image of animals. But: The hunting club expert says Africa is not a pet park. Elephants can be a nuisance just like wild boars in our country. If a herd of elephants tramples a corn field, the one-year harvest is over – the elephants are killing people. That too is part of the truth. Predators also killed as many ancient animals as possible, which played a submissive role in protecting the creatures.

Awesome specimens can certainly be found in photos on the internet, in hunting exhibitions, and in the list of hunting providers. Hunters – and more and more female hunters – present themselves with victory and pose with killed animals. Showing off is part of it. Taxidermists take care of it. The giraffe’s skin turns into a gunpowder. It costs several thousand euros to produce a whole animal.

Snow brown hunting

For the sake of it, large and healthy animals are shot, says Fryer. Snowfall – a summary of species extinction – should not be hunted in Canada. But even this is seen as controversial. Bren is not at risk in the traditional Inuit hunt. This is shown by all the scientific data, writes WWF Sibyl Glenshendorf, an ecosystem species species conservationist. The threat comes from the climate crisis. If the Inuit loses the right to accidentally document hunting under international law it will not save the species. In some cases, Inuit sells this right to earn urgently needed income – for substantial sums.

Shops with cup hunting

For example, last year, according to a supplier’s list, a 14-day expedition to hunt ice in the Canadian Inuit region of Nunavut cost $ 52,500, including shooting a bear. On the other hand, a three-week lion hunt in Africa costs less than US $ 80,000 per participant, including full board and daily laundry service. Twelve-day leopard hunting in Tanzania cost about $ 30,000 to stay in luxury tent camps and prepare the trophy, while the shooting fee for the leopard was about $ 8,000.

Leopards are subject to strict protection and leopards. For leopards that already have a small genetic pool, the parties’ citation conference has determined the export quota for live specimens and sports trophies: five animals from Botswana, 150 from Namibia and 50 animals from Zimbabwe can be exported as trophies. According to the IUCN, there are still 6,700 adult leopards worldwide, and the population is declining.

In the Corona crisis, on the other hand, we hear that there is a shortage of income in many areas – thus money for nature conservation programs and sportsmen. In some cases, the WWF has reported an increase in poaching. We oppose file hunting if it has not been proven to serve the conservation of organisms, he says WWF – Spokesman Roland Gramling. If the internationally established quota is adhered to, the poaching of tribal people will not endanger the people.

How much do locals like it?

How much money out there Tropenzoic It is arguable that intoxicants of choice runs the taste in Indian cuisine. IUCN also provides a variety of information. According to an IUCN study, 50 to 90 percent of the average net income in developing countries is spent by travel agents on local landowners; The rest goes to government agencies. Profits for local people may be 100 percent – or zero, but that too is stated. Another IUCN paper says the economic impact will be small.

According to Pro Wildlife, only a fraction of the money goes to local people. Frayer firmly believes that poaching is economically unimportant to people and does not encourage the adoption of wildlife. Hunting does not prevent agricultural expansion or poaching. If caught with an elephant’s tooth, the locals go to jail for many years – then a rich trophy hunter from Germany can come and take his elephant trophy with him. That is not the right message to send.

dpa-infocom, dpa: 210316-99-842849 / 5

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