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Hide or show Opera browser quick selection or quick select recommendations on startup

When you start the Opera browser, you usually see a page with a quick selection of specific or you added pages yourself, or suggestions for other pages. Not everyone needs or even wants to see either of them, which is why this short tip explains how easy it can be to activate or deactivate Speed ​​Dial and Speed ​​Dial recommendations in Opera.

You can choose to hide suggestions only at the bottom area of ​​Quick Selection, or deactivate Quick Selection completely. In order to be able to deactivate the suggestions called quick select recommendations in the Opera browser, open the settings via the gear icon and then first fold the entry in the upper left corner extended Then switch to Sub item Browser. Here you can then use the slider to enter Show quick select recommendations Just disable it or activate it separately.

# Opera, # OperaBrowser, # Browser, # Chromium, Advice, Tips, Tricks, Help, Instructions, FAQ, Advice, S ... png

If you want to hide the entire quick selection, use the slider for the option in the same way The speed dial does not appear. By the name you have to activate the function here if you want to deactivate the speed dial and thus deactivate it in order to be able to reactivate the speed dial. If you are using this option alone, the suggestions will still be displayed and you must use both options if you want to hide everything completely. Who is just by the button Add the site If you feel discomfort, this can be done with cucumbers Hide add website button Show or hide.

# Opera, # OperaBrowser, # Browser, # Chromium, Advice, Tips, Tricks, Help, Instructions, FAQ, Advice, S ... png

Author’s comment: So you can adjust the speed connection a bit when you start the Opera browser, or remove it altogether.
# Opera, # OperaBrowser, # Browser, # Chromium, Guide, Tips, Tricks, Help, Instructions, FAQ, Advisory, Customize Speed ​​Dial, Hide Speed ​​Dial, Deactivate Speed ​​Dial, Customize Suggestions, Opera Speed ​​Dial Dial-up, suggestions opera

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