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If you have a smartphone, it will force you to watch ads

If you have a smartphone, it will force you to watch ads

Do you have a smart phone?  This will force you to watch ads

Glance, a subsidiary of Asian advertising giant inMobi, says current advertising systems are not sufficiently engaged. It offers a controversial alternative.

Let’s face it, advertising is pure evil for most internet users. until total sums It turns out that the statistical receiver of the will Click two bannersInstead of paying for access to content, as many assert Failed experiments with paywalls.

In any case, the more controversial the idea of ​​​​the company Glance, which intends to flood advertising not the Internet in the sense of news sites or search engines, but immediately lock screens smart phones.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a crazy idea for a random start, but it’s a very real insight. It is for the look It is a subsidiary of the Indian advertising group InMobi Groupwhich has already pre-installed its software in more than 400 million smartphones in Asia. Plus, it works with brands like Samsung or XiaomiGoogle Funding.

Advertising plan: if there is no way, then force

But what does it all mean? – You will ask. Well, a peek is in the works Functional lock screensallowing, for example, to view the flow of news or posts in social media.

Although this type of concept has not yet been conquered in Europe, it is very popular in Asia, and is slowly arriving in the USA. Apparently, everyone expressed interest in her Leading operators in the United StatesConversations are underway, and its main theme is to intertwine the right content with ads.

Do you have a smart phone?  This will force you to watch ads

The plan is not exceptionally complicated. Just give some news and drop it here and there sponsored articles. Like anywhere else. What sets Glance apart is according to the actors commitment level. According to the company’s internal statistics, the rotation of news, tests, simple games and photos can be done somehow Forcing the smartphone user To look at the lock screen up to 65 times a day.

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Meanwhile, opponents will also take a peek. Consciously or not – but everyone checks time or notifications from time to time. He’ll pick up the rest at least at the angle of his eye.

When, how and where?

Glance boasts a very abundant list of partners from the manufacturers side, which, apart from the aforementioned Samsung and Xiaomi, includes, among others, Motorola, Oppo, Realme, Vivo. So effectively all the leading phone service providers except Apple.

US communications are also of great interest and are allegedly considering launching a broadband service in the region In the third quarter of 2022. And if it burns across the ocean, it will likely be a matter of time until the ancient continent takes the example.

Image source: Maxx Studio / Shutterstock

Text source: profile, editor. king