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Infrastructure package one step closer to resolution

Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell arrived Saturday for a giant infrastructure package.
Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell arrived Saturday for a giant infrastructure package.

The Senate of the US Congress has taken a step closer to deciding on a staggering $1,000 billion infrastructure investment. The House voted to limit the ongoing debate, paving the way for the final vote.

The decision was made with numbers 67-27, indicating that there was broad support among Republicans as well. But it remains unclear when the final vote will take place. Discussions are still ongoing on various additional proposals. But Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer announced that he wants to make a quick decision.

– We can take the easy or the hard way. Regardless, the Senate will stay together until we have finished our work. It depends on my fellow Republicans how long it will take, Schumer said in the House before Saturday’s procedural vote.

Biden’s success

Schumer threatened not to release senators on summer vacation until the package was in port. The Senate is expected to approve the proposal because it has the support of Democrats and enough Republicans to get a majority. The assumption would be a huge success for President Joe Biden and senators who have been negotiating a cross-party agreement for months.

Biden indicated on Twitter before the vote that the package could create well-paying jobs by renovating US roads, bridges, water and electricity networks.

“We cannot afford not to do this,” the president added.

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The leading Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, signaled his support for the package, which involves significant investment in the United States’ underdeveloped roads, bridges and ports and in broadband expansion.

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The investments made in the proposal are not only necessary, but in many cases delayed. McConnell said our country has real needs in this area.

If, as expected, the Senate approves the package, it will move to the House of Representatives. It’s not a matter of passing there even if the Democrats have a small majority. Several Democrats have expressed their views on the proposal.

Biden’s presidential representative, Donald Trump, called the proposal a “disgrace.” He added in a statement on Saturday that it would be difficult for him to “support someone stupid enough to vote for the deal.”

The letter is addressed to Republican lawmakers who had hoped to secure Trump’s support ahead of the 2022 election.
