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Is ‘Sweet Tooth’ worth it on Netflix?  This is how good the DC series is for Marvel star Robert Downey Jr. – News Series

Is ‘Sweet Tooth’ worth it on Netflix? This is how good the DC series is for Marvel star Robert Downey Jr. – News Series

Once again a new weekend, and once again a new series on Netflix: We’ll tell you if DC’s post-apocalyptic adventure “Sweet Tooth,” whose producer was Iron Actor Robert Downey Jr., was worth it.


Marvel star Robert Downey Jr. is making the DC series – a mix that works great with the headlines. But what is the use of the series? Are the eight episodes of ‘Sweet Tooth’ that Netflix released today worthy? We watched the first two episodes and also saw the sounds of the American press.

The short version is: Yes, “Sweet Tooth” is very good, and if the US critics had done it, it would be very good. at rotten tomatoes There are currently (as of June 4, 2021, 4pm) 24 reviews, all rated as positive, with an average rating of 8.45 out of 10. Ratings on Metacritic are similarly strong, with an average rating of 80 out of 100 currently calculated from seven reviews.

FILMSTARTS Editor Markus Trutt also had the opportunity to take a look at the series in advance. Although he can’t quite join the euphoric hymns of praise, he still admires the comic adaptation:

“Over the years I have grown tired of stationary bits of a post-apocalyptic kind, which of course are also used here (despite the somewhat original hybrid idea) implying one length or another. But then one prevailed Feeling warm and contagious when you reach adulthoodThanks not least to young star Christian Confrey. Despite his young age, he bears the emotional weight of the story with flying colors, even if with the strange mixture of children’s epic and grim dystopia it is sometimes somewhat unclear who exactly the target group here should be.”

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This is what critics of the United States say

Charles Barfield, for example, is simply excited about it Playlist, “sweet tooth” like” “An antidote to the dark and gloomy worlds we usually see in apocalyptic stories” Describe. Instead, there is love, hope, beauty, and sweets in the “Very Entertaining” series.

Megan Navarro’s criticism of disgustingWho writes: “This adaptation slowly digging into your hearts It threatens to tear them apart with the awe, the miracles, and the emotional depth the characters move.”

Brian Talerica from Roger However, it highlights the accomplishments of the actors – and above all Nonso Anozie – in the “fictionally written and powerfully structured” project. Dan Fienberg vom in the same class The Hollywood ReporterWho else writes: “The series deserves the laughter and tears it sheds from the audience.”.

Bob Strauss from San Francisco Chronicle It emphasizes the unusual, it can be said Not always well suited to children A mixture of absurdity, paranoia, brutal action, and somewhat deep thoughtsWhich still finds a nice balance.

And Alan Spinwall from rolling rock The combination in “Sweet Tooth” always works when the focus is on the main character Gus, while one or the other creeps in.

What is the topic of “Sweet Tooth”?

In the not-too-distant future, a deadly virus has thrown Earth into chaos. Because many human-animal hybrids were born at the same time, some survivors blame these hybrids. Young hybrid Gus (Christian Confrey) grew up with his father (Will Forte) in the wilderness, but he can no longer stay there. He joins forces with former soccer player Jepperd (Nonso Anozie) and ventures out into the world to find his missing mother…

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