In the three unveiled photos, we spot Alexandra Park during wedding preparations, in the process of styling her hair with a tiara of flowers in her hair. Then we see the actress in her strapless wedding dress, long and white, shaped like a mermaid with lace, surrounded by her friends who were also in the cast. the Royal family : Tom Austin, Merritt Patterson and Hattie Preston. They’re on the dance floor, which feels like they’re on a beach in Hawaii.
They announced their engagement in 2020 and met on the set
James Lafferty and Alexandra Park revealed their engagement in September 2020, on Instagram. “She said yes” Upon proposing to marry, he delighted by posting a selfie of him and his fiancée. They also work together. She is actually playing in the series Everyone is doing well Husband James Lafferty and Stephen Colletti (Chase Adams in scott brothers).
“James and I met while working together” told the World Health Organization, “That’s one of the things we love about our relationship together is that we’re both very excited about what we’re doing and we actually met at The Royals where James was guiding me around the time of season two. So it’s not really weird (that I continue to work together and under his supervision, editor’s note) Because James has already guided me in another series.”.
“Freelance reader. Passionate internet advocate. Prone to fits of apathy. Pop culture scholar.”
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