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Laurent Lafitte will play Bernard Tapie in a miniseries on Netflix

Laurent Lafitte will play Bernard Tapie in a miniseries on Netflix

Netflix is ​​preparing to produce a French mini-series about the life of Bernard Tapie … Laurent Lafitte plays a businessman who is currently battling cancer. Information has been disclosed, which we can confirm First. According to the magazine, the novel will be titled “The Wonderland” (a reference to the fact that in the ’80s, Tapie bought the Wonder Battery Company?) and will return to the romantic journey of this Paris-born 1943 man who was the role of every singer, businessman, football club president and city minister (under the leadership of François Mitterrand). He was also an actor, in theater and cinema (with Claude Lelouch, in “Hommes, femmes, mode emploi”, in 1996), or even on television (the series “Commissioner Valence”, from 2003 to 2008). Over the years, Tapie also had trouble with the law, until he was imprisoned for a few months in 1997.

The series was produced by Olivier Demangel and Tristan Segila. The latter was directed by Laurent Lafitte in the comedy “16 Years or so” (released in 2013). “The series was born in the dressing room of this movie that I was shooting with Laurent,” the director told Premier. We both thought he looked incredibly similar to Bernard Tapie. We thought about it about the same time. It is not yet known how many episodes this mini-series will contain, but according to our information, filming should begin in March 2022.

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