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League Two: Schalke 04 announce a bond worth 34.1 million euros

League Two: Schalke 04 announce a bond worth 34.1 million euros

Second division football club FC Schalke 04 will issue new corporate bonds amounting to 34.107 million euros in the spring of 2022 in the process of restructuring financial obligations, the club announced, saddled with more than 140 million euros of commitments.

“It is mainly about refinancing the 2016/2023 bond, which matures in a year and a half. The €34.1 million is a big part that we want to tackle early and strategically,” said Kristina Rolle. Hammers, Head of Finance, Human Resources and Law.

The one of the summer German Football League And the traditional club closed the landing in the first half of 2021 minus 21 million euros. According to the association, the financial commitments could have been reduced “despite the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the decrease in the past six months from 149 million euros to 143.8 million euros.” The club wants to avoid an increase in commitments.

Ruhl Hammers explained: “As in the past, we will not exceed the total bond volume of 50 million euros. The goal is to restructure the existing financial commitments. The focus of our long-term financial plan remains on reducing the commitments.” With their new exchange and subscription offer, they want to charge as low as at least two million digits.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 211207-99-294084 / 2 (dpa)

Assembly announcement

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