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Let’s meet.  Actress Camila Barr is locked in a glass cage.  “Impressed by the judgment of passersby”

Let’s meet. Actress Camila Barr is locked in a glass cage. “Impressed by the judgment of passersby”

In Bosna, as part of the Malta Festival, actress Camila Barr allowed herself to be boutique for 24 hours in a glass cage on Bevizska Street. It is a book by Elfried Zelinek, inspired by the myths about Orpheus and Euritis, written by Katarsina Borgovska. Artist It comes in many roles. As announced The Poznań “Gazeta Wyborcza”, Passersby see her in a track suit, with disheveled hair, in strange positions or with exaggerated makeup.

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“It’s the voice of a woman, an artist, an actress, she’s enslaved by the judgment of passersby.”

The passing people are completely random, they wonder what is going on, they take pictures and shoot videos. “Camila Bar, locked in a glass cage, is constantly monitored 24 hours a day by random spectators. This will be the voice of the audience. Women, An artist, an actress enslaved by the judgmental view of passers-by ”- Malta emphasizes the ceremony.

“The project of the artists is complete with various symbols, and the loneliness and restraint that the actress submits to evoke strong connections with periods of global isolation” – the organizers emphasize.

– I am very happy because we will show our performance. (…) I will be imprisoned for 24 hours, but it is not possible without you. I look forward to it, I’m so happy – said Camila Bar before the festival.

Installation can be viewed until 6:00 a.m. Sunday.

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