Nintendo is once again expanding older games into its Switch Online membership. You will soon be able to take on Mario in battle to become the next golf champion.
Nintendo Switch is growing old games (Source: Nintendo)
- Nintendo is expanding the free-to-play Retro game with another title.
- From April 15, Mario Golf will be available in the N64 version.
- There are still two more titles, but when is unclear.
Nintendo won’t let it pass and has donated the next classic to the Switch. In this case it’s Mario Golf, released in 1999 that many of you probably still know from the Nintendo 64. And if not, here’s your chance to catch up.
Go green in Mario Golf
As early as April 15th, you can swing your clubs in skilful retro style and make the golf course unsafe. However, this only applies to those who have a “Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack” membership, such as Nintendo on Twitter stressed again.
Super Mario Big Contest
How many major worlds are there in Super Mario Odyssey?
A total of 14 classic games are available to you, where you can get an insight into the past of gaming history. The original Pokemon Snap and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards are also slated to release soon, but a date has yet to be announced.
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