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North Korea tests new air defense robot

North Korea tests new air defense robot

Kim Jong Un continues his provocations against the outside world. After a long-distance robot test in September and a supersonic — extremely fast — robot test earlier this week, a new test took place on Thursday.

An air defense robot with “exquisite combat performance” has been launched, according to the official Central News Agency. According to the news agency, the robot is equipped with a number of new technical features.

The South Korean Ministry of Defense says France Press agency It can not confirm the latest launch. Air defense robots are much smaller and more difficult to detect than the ballistic missiles that North Korea has been forbidden from developing in UN resolutions.

Security Council meeting on North Korea

The recent weapons test is a clear change in North Korea’s position, which has made it relatively easier since Joe Biden became president. Kim Jong-un’s rhetoric has also changed. The North Korean dictator earlier this week rejected repeated offers from the US for unconditional discussions – what Kim Jong-un called “little tricks”. Talks between the two countries have been on hold since negotiations between Trump and Kim Jong Un broke down in Hanoi in 2019.

The outside world has imposed wide-ranging sanctions on North Korea for its weapons program, which has evolved greatly during Kim Jong Un’s tenure in power, including robots with access to the entire United States and nuclear tests far more powerful than before.

The United States, Britain and France called the UN Security Council to meet on North Korea on Friday.

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State media believe that the ballistic robots must have hit a sea target 800 kilometers away.
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