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Obajtek responded to the reports regarding his parents’ property.  The IRS has no doubts.

Obajtek responded to the reports regarding his parents’ property. The IRS has no doubts.

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Other reports on the Obajtek family property. as he describesGazeta Wiborcza”, documents from ERG Bieruń Folie show that in 2012 Halina Obagić – the mother of the then mayor of Pcim – bought shares in the company for PLN 260,000, and then Daniel Obagtić bought the same shares.

In the following years, they purchased more shares in the company. In total, Obajtek’s mother bought shares worth 800,000 PLN. zloty. The money – as I mentioned – came from her personal fortune. Meanwhile, as “Wyborcza” wrote, before the described purchase, I worked out physically and earned 1.5 thousand. PLN per month. In turn, the property announcements made by Obajtek as a municipal official indicate that his savings amounted to a maximum of 300,000 PLN. PLN (in 2012), earnings – 180-190 thousand. total annually.

Obajtek announces “legal steps”

On Friday afternoon, PKN President Orlen published a statement regarding the article. He did not detail the information described by “Gazeta Wyborcza” or explain where his mother had hundreds of thousands of zlotys to buy shares in the company. He stated that the alleged thesis that “his parents have no right to own any property” was wrong, he stated, because both – as he stated – have been working for more than 40 years and, moreover, the father has been running a business for 20 years.

I would like to inform you that the IRS, which conducted a thorough audit of my entire finances and family in 2013, had no such suspicions. I acknowledge that my mother has nothing to do with politics and does not engage in any public activity

– he wrote.

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Obajtek stated that the author of the article did not ask his parents any questions. However, “Wyborcza” wrote that such questions were sent to ERG Bieruń Folie, to which Halina Obagtić is contributing, and to attorney Daniel Obagtek. The latter replied that his manager “would not comment on the private sphere of his life.”

At the end of the statement, Obagtec announced “decisive legal steps,” but did not specify exactly what that might mean.

Earlier, Orlen’s chief had tried to block other publications about him, but in April the court rejected Obajtek’s request for an annual ban on Gazeta Wyborcza from publishing articles about the discount Orlen’s chief had received for buying an apartment in one. of Warsaw real estate. According to the court, the ban could not be upheld, “because it would limit the freedom of the press and criticism, which is socially desirable due to the nature of the job that Daniel Obagtek performs.”

Daniel Obajtik lost in court with Gazeta Liborcza.  There will be no banObajtek loses in court to “Wyborcza”. There will be no ban