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“Paul Barré told me it was a shame to leave so early,” says Baptiste Trudel.

“Paul Barré told me it was a shame to leave so early,” says Baptiste Trudel.

Baptiste, nominee for Season 12 of “Top Chef” – Mary Ichigwin / M6

  • Today, Wednesday, M6 broadcast the tenth episode of Season 12 of Top chefs (With the famous black box).
  • During the last test, the forgotten vegetables did not allow Baptiste to qualify for the rest of the competition.
  • “The stutter I did on ‘creampie,’ he wasn’t ready,” he recalls in his interview. 20 minutes.

If he participated tonight in his fourth last chance Top chefsEither it was bad luck’s fault, or “because I wasn’t good enough on the other tests,” Baptist notes. But the leader did not have a bitter defeat and instead scored his pride and victory in a soufflé event against Pierre Gagnaire in the lead. After ten weeks spent in the M6 ​​competition, Baptiste Trudel rates his adventure for it 20 minutes.

How it arrived Top chefs ?

I applied on my own. Last year, they let me do the casting. Not because they tell you, “Do you want to do the acting?” »To be taken necessarily. There are a lot of chefs who have a big head and say “they come to see me every year”. In fact, they offer you to do the casting process, and go back to the ground. Last year, I hadn’t reached the end, I don’t know why and there, this year, I was arrested.

When it comes to savoring the last chance, chefs make no comments about it. Do you think you qualify?

I still believed it but knew I messed up something. I tilted the thing a little too far and that’s why I walked out.

We don’t see it while editing …

The much the better! If that happens, there will be a lightning bolt of haters against Matthias and Arnaud, saying they have stolen my place, we’ll see (laughs).

In the first episode, we see that you lose your potential to bosses. Did you expect it?

I wasn’t expecting to lose my resources otherwise, I would probably have lost them to a lesser degree. But I have not trained on it and it has not been repeated at all. My stutter on “creme branlée” was not prepared. I thought to myself, “I spent an hour Top chefs And that’s it, it really started. ”He wasn’t seen much because they showed him a little bit for joke but in real life, on set, the four chefs looked at me like I was an idiot. But it was bad.

When you left, Paul Barré said you made great dishes along the way …

He left me a message on my phone a couple of days ago telling me it’s a shame to leave so early. He believed in me, believed in him. Unfortunately, I didn’t really work Top chefs, So it was either a pass or a break. It’s part of the rules of the game, but I think he was proud of me, and we had a good relationship, and we had a good laugh. It was not like Philip Echepist with Matthias who kept yelling at him. He explodes from every episode (laughs).

When you say you didn’t work Top chefs, what does it mean ? You didn’t read the “Bible” [les candidats reçoivent un document avec les thèmes de la saison en amont] Before the competition begins?

Basically, I wasn’t supposed to do that Top chefsI had a “spare” place, I was on the sidelines. I was supposed to go home if anyone was sick. So when I received the Bible, I said, “It’s good, it’s beautiful, but I’m going on vacation, hello.” I didn’t open it two weeks earlier. Top chefs At first, when they told me I was escorted, I was like, “Oh damn, maybe I should have opened it. I opened it but it was too late and I thought it was useless. I was watching but I wasn’t training.

Were you afraid to watch TV?

When you start seeing the cameras but not really realizing what’s going on, you are in the middle of it all. A lot of times, we told ourselves we’re going to see our face on TV and that’s as complicated as the feeling. The pressure you put on yourself is to get the best performance and to be eligible for the next round, and that’s an obsession. On the other hand, the cameras don’t even pay attention to it.

Today, are you still the chef of Le Mordu?

I’m still a chef in Mordu and open street food with my partner. It’s called Flat Bread, between pita bread and pizza with a cold topping. In the future, we want to open up some sort of gourmet Disneyland with a restaurant that could potentially be a star or two. I want something dynamic and interactive with lights and flashes. Very cool thing, what!

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