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Pegasus tracking.  Professor Ewa towska: Now that this case has come to light we have a problem with democracy

Pegasus tracking. Professor Ewa towska: Now that this case has come to light we have a problem with democracy

Professor Ewa Łętowska, a retired judge of the Constitutional Tribunal and former ombudsman of the “Fakty po Faktach”, commented on the Pegasus software monitoring case in Poland. “This kind of technical action like Pegasus is not acceptable to the court,” he said.

According to experts, the team of researchers from Citizen’s Laboratory, which operates at the University of Toronto, was in Poland under the watchful eye of Pegasus software, led by lawyer Roman Kierditch, lawyer Eva Vrsochek and Senator Christophe Breza of the Civil Alliance. According to Citizen Lab, Senator Krzysztof Brejza was on the lookout 33 times before the 2019 parliamentary election and was head of the KO election staff. No action is pending against the politician.

In an interview with the weekly magazine “Sieci”, Jarosław Kaczyński, deputy prime minister for defense and head of the PIS, confirmed that the government had bought Pegasus, but described the surveillance issue with the organization as “a scandal that has nothing to do with it”.

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Towska: The Pegasus court does not fall into the categories of admissibility

Professor Eva Ladowska, a retired judge of the Constitutional Tribunal and a former ombudsman, told Faktach po Faktach on Monday that “since the failed letter elections” we have “run out of the rule of law”.

Now that the Pegasus case has come to light, he has ruled that “there is a problem in democracy.”

Łętowska said, “If the confusion between leaks, fakes, truth and falsehood creates who will play in the election arena, you (General Marek – editor) Dugosevsky is right, but this is not a positive decision, then dictate to us who will be elected to the services, which is not democracy.

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– If someone says that everything is fine, (Judiciary – Edition) approvals were obtained, I do not know, but in my opinion these approvals were simply fraudulent, because this kind of technical means like Pegasus do not come into it. Sections admissible by the court – she assessed.

He added that it was necessary to check whether the court had given its approval. – If this approval was fraudulent, what if there is a lie about who is being asked? – she asked.

Commenting on the Krzysztof Brejza case, he noted that “it is about a person who has an official function in the election staff.” – If this person is discredited by restricted leaks to the press, media or other, elections are already influential – he assessed.

Towska: It can be accused of violating the equality of elections

Lettowska also cited the words of Professor Andrzej Joel, the former chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal, who said that using Pegasus on TVN24 to monitor Brejza would break the constitutional principle of equal elections. In his view, this is “a clear basis for the Supreme Court to invalidate the election.” However he emphasized that the letter was not a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into the allegations.

ல்towska said Joel was right. Until the so-called resolution that “at the right time, if this time was short, the elections were conducted flawlessly,” it would have emerged, “The equality of elections can certainly be blamed.

However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Lukashenko’s government.

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– But if it reveals itself at a time when such a thing can still be submitted to the court, yes – she said.

Key Photo Source: TVN24