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RTL changes its program tomorrow, Friday ·

RTL changes its program tomorrow, Friday ·

In the conclusion of “Let’s Dance,” RTL officials put fertile shoes on the floor and changed their program on Friday.

The current season of Let’s Dance ends on Friday 28 May 2021, which of course should be celebrated appropriately. And this is the way it should be. The break starts at 2 pm with the first program change. Katia Burkard then took over the responsibility for a special issue of midday magazine “Punkt 12”, in which she and professional dancer Isabel Edvardsson show off previous versions of the dance show, such as DWDL mentioned.

Direct link to jury Joachim Lambie and presenter Victoria Swarovski wraps up the special broadcast in which Nicholas Bushman, Rick Gislason and Valentina Bahde will say, who are fighting to win the final. As usual, this happens at prime time at 8:15 PM.

Prior to that, from 3 PM onwards, RTL will repeat the review of past seasons of the feature-length song, which aired on Good Friday, with “Let’s Dance – The Great Dance Alphabet”.

You can remind yourself of all the dancing couples and their dances here:

Start a photo gallery(44 photos)

“Let’s Dance” 2021: Friday Dances – Who Dances What? Show 1-11

There is no regular afternoon program on RTL

Both “Super Agents” and “Insurance Investigators” have a Friday broadcast break. Both formats are deleted. RTL will not return to the regular program until 5:30 PM, then the current episode of the daily program “Unter uns” will be broadcast. With the ratings in the afternoon left much to be desired, the risks associated with the changes are limited, especially since RTL has had good experiences with several special editions of “Punkt 12” in the recent past.

Valentina Bahdi in the “Let’s Dance” final. What you do on Instagram tells you that Video. News – The Eternals trailer features the new MCU champions

Did you miss an episode of “Let’s Dance”? No problem, to be in the mood for the grand finale, you can watch all the previous episodes Watch on TVNOW.

How well do you know your way around the dance floor? Test your knowledge on the test.

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