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Russia will accept Bitcoin payments for gas and oil

Russia will accept Bitcoin payments for gas and oil

Russia Will Accept Bitcoin Payments for Oil and Gas

Russia will accept Bitcoin payments for gas and oil. This shift in attitude is, of course, a consequence of the problems of its economy.

Russia recently revised its entire stance towards cryptocurrency. It really happened out of necessity. The economy there should now be more resilient than it was before. In December, Russia was considering a complete ban on cryptocurrencies.

Now the situation has shifted. Cryptocurrencies are under attack, for example, by the European Central Bank and Christine Lagarde. On the other hand, Russia speaks positively of them. Recently, representatives of the union stated that they will no longer accept payments in currencies other than the ruble from countries considered hostile.

Friends are allowed more. Even paying with cryptocurrency

It is quite different with countries that Russia considers friendly or neutral. Here, Russia confirms that it is ready to comply with the wishes of its trading partners. Russia gave Turkey an example, which is now a mediator between Russia and Ukraine. Here, Russia is ready to accept payment for gas and oil in rubles, lira or whatever. For example, in Bitcoins. In this case Russia will not object. Other cryptocurrencies won’t be a problem either.

After this announcement, the BTC exchange rate jumped slightly, but it is still far from the records, when it was worth more than double what it is now.

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Image source: pexels

Text source: cnbc

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