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Skyward Sword HD – what’s better now

Skyward Sword HD – what’s better now

With “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD”, Nintendo is shortening the time until 2022 for the appearance of the successor to the successful “Breath of the Wild” branch. What exactly has changed now with the improved Classic Edition of the Switch, which will be available from July 16, 2021?

An adventure between heaven and earth

Skyward Sword HD allows Zelda followers to relive their memories in a new way. Together with young Zelda and young Link, even before they battle Ganon’s devastation in “Breath of the Wild,” she reveals the beginnings of the Master Sword. After Zelda is kidnapped by the Dark Lord “Ghirahim”, Link has to search for his girlfriend, as he often does. Newly released from Knight School, you search for rubies, complete quests or discover artifacts of a goddess. The journey takes you and Link, with the help of his cloudbird, beyond the confines of his home “Wolkenhort” and to other places in the sea of ​​clouds, a group of islands at high altitudes.

The land, deserted when people fled to heaven before fighting demons, opens up for you different areas, the guards of which are waiting for you in their labyrinths. at “Breath of the wild 2 Humans are supposed to inhabit Earth again later as the Hyrule Plain.

Sword toward the sky

What improvements does Skyward Sword HD offer?

When “Skyward Sword” debuted for the Wii in 2011, fans were already very critical of the poor motion control. After nearly 10 years, the developers have now upgraded it. The first way to experience the game is through the Joy-Con console. Motion controls allow you to shoot with a bow and arrow, use a sword or throw bombs. The right Joy-Con controls the swing of the sword and the left one can raise the shield and fend off the attackers. In addition to this alternative, there is also the new control button, which was not yet available on the Wii. This would be best suited for portable mode or for a switch lamp.

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Overall, the developers are said to have worked hard on the game’s performance. In addition to improved tutorials for players, general assistance throughout the game has also been improved. Especially for beginners who haven’t played Skyward Sword yet, this could have a positive impact on their buying decision. Since no further improvements are known from Nintendo yet, the game is expected to deviate from the original in just a few points.

But even after this experience in the Zelda world, or even because of it, it wouldn’t be enough for one or the other. Many are eagerly awaiting The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. So many official trailers can be drawn that the journey will take Link and Zelda to heaven. Dark forces tore Hyrule Castle easy and lift it into the air. Could it be a sea of ​​clouds? It seems Link’s preferred means of transportation should still be his glider rather than a cloud bird. With the new ability to walk through walls, one can definitely expect great things from the full extent of the game.