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Śląskie: KSEZ has signed a contract to build a business accelerator in Żory

Śląskie: KSEZ has signed a contract to build a business accelerator in Żory

The contract for the construction of the KSSENON business accelerator in ory (Śląskie), which will provide space for small businesses in the halls and other infrastructure along with the services they need, was signed on Tuesday by the Katowice Special Economic Zone (KSEZ).

The construction of four halls by Budimex will cost 77 million PLN. The Katowice region has received 40 million PLN from EU support for the implementation of the project.

It was also confirmed during Tuesday’s ceremony, the Governorate’s Field Marshal. In Silesia, Jakub Chistovsky, it is “a transformation project which shows that transformation, particularly in the western subregion, will accelerate strongly and intensely”.

He noted that investing in halls with space for a total of 32 entities from the subregion “builds meaningful development for the future of the sector we strongly support, namely small and medium-sized enterprises”. “I am glad that I consider this project one of the most interesting, and it has been praised by the European Commission in terms of quality and transformation approach. Now the role of the KSEZ and the economic environment, will they be able to turn it into a success “- added Chełstowski.

The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Marshal of the province. Silesian Wojciech Kauča, whose post-election decision gave PiS support – despite being elected from KO lists – to that party had a majority in the regional council, and Kautschwa himself: the position of deputy field marshal overseeing European money and economic aspects.

“I am mainly pleased that the project will help expand the scope of small and medium-sized enterprises, because there has not been such a place in the province of Silesia until now, and we know that the interest in this project, and the possibility of its recurrence, is high” – said Kałuża.

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The head of KSEZ, Janusz Miček, noted that the project received funding from non-competitive ROP funds – in the conduct of key projects in the Śląski district (along with, among others, subsequent COVID projects). He stressed that the region wants to implement four other similar projects in the post-mining areas. He thanked the president of Żory, Valdemar Seuss, for the preparation and development of the area.

“Two years after the decision of the guards (on the implementation of the accelerator as the main project – PAP), we are implementing the most important project in the KSEZ. We have been an intermediary so far, we have dealt with the investment management. Today we are entering a new course of the business model in the KSEZ: we build ourselves, We will help these owners of small and medium-sized enterprises and provide them with jobs, “- announced Michałek.

Vice President of KSEZ, Head of the Jastrzębie-ory sub-district, Andrzej Zabiegliński, specified that the investment will not only be halls for rent – apart from them, the district will provide a non-industrial sphere. Simultaneously with the construction, non-industrial works will be carried out, which will give additional value in the form – he said – “networks, risk mitigation and all other phenomena that will be produced on KSSENON”.

Valdemar Socha, President of Gori, pointed out that the city of Gori was the first in the region to be affected by the dire effects of the transformation of traditional industries, not only coal, but also other heavy industries. He assessed “We had to start getting into the transformation path pretty early, and I think we did.”

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“Yes, it really is an experimental area in which the transformation could be possible, and it could be successful: we no longer have any problems with unemployment, which was previously the highest in the area, and the city budget is getting richer in terms of revenue from the companies that we will show that the transformation Not only is it possible, but it can also be an impetus for the development of new industries and innovative projects, such as KSSENON ”- said Socha.

The KSSENON project involves the construction of a four-hall complex in Houry, in the Osini district, which is part of the district. Each building consists of eight modular industrial boxes with a complementary non-industrial part with its surroundings.

Funds intended for several years of lease for micro and small enterprises will range in size from 260 m² to 390 m², and it is planned to build a non-industrial part with an area of ​​about 1,000 m². square meters with an efficiency center, co-working space, bistro and office space for several companies.

According to the idea of ​​KSEZ, an accelerator, apart from providing a favorable base for the development of companies, is a place to expand skills and knowledge at various levels and using various technologies. What distinguishes it from the typical rental of development halls is the non-industrial and urban part as well as the process of using the surrounding areas, related for example. With an existing business already up and running.

In the KSEZ procedure for the construction of four halls in ory with a total usable area of ​​less than 3.4 thousand sq.m. m with the service and development part of the land, with a budget of just over PLN 75.8 million, the cheapest of the two offers was selected, BODIMIX, against PLN 77 million.

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KSEZ has received 40.8 million PLN as financing for this purpose from the set of the Olski County Regional Operational Program for the period 2014-2020, which is aimed at supporting regional and local centers of creativity and innovation. The entire project was estimated at 77.4 million PLN.

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