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Sonic Frontiers will be a hit.  SEGA aims to get very high ratings from reviewers

Sonic Frontiers will be a hit. SEGA aims to get very high ratings from reviewers

Sonic Frontiers is a very interesting title that will give us a whole new perspective on the adventures of Superfast Hedgehog. The unexpected production was first introduced late last year – podczas The Game Awards 2021. Unfortunately, we still don’t know the release date, and at the moment we are only sticking to assurances that the game will be released at the end of 2022. Will that be the case? we will see.

One thing is for sure – creators will want to optimize their production as much as possible. We wrote that a few months ago Sonic Team wants to take the brand to a new level. During a recent question-and-answer session, CEOs and CFOs were asked what goals they were setting for launching production. They revealed that they have certain thresholds that they would like to cross in terms of ratings from critics.

This is due to the fact that they realize that this will translate into subsequent sales. Studio representatives have stated that the synergy between ratings and sales results is too great, so at this point they are working to fill the production as accurately as possible from any errors. they want it Sonic Frontiers has had as much influence on the development of the brand as Sonic Adventures once did. It is possible, although the results should be very high here.

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