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The federal government determines the million aid «

The federal government determines the million aid «

13.5 million on the Cabinet to fight humanitarian crises in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine.

06.00, 17 March 2021

Africa supports projects in Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Burkina Faso © AFP

Today the federal government At the request of Chancellor Kurs, Vice-Chancellor Kokler and Foreign Minister Shalenberg, release the largest donations from the Austrian Disaster Relief Fund (AKF) for the work of Austrian NGOs in the fight against humanitarian disasters: Austrian NGOs receive more than 13.5 million euros for their projects in Africa Are provided. Through this provision, the government significantly enhances the planning security of Austrian NGOs, thus ensuring additional quality in Austrian humanitarian assistance.

“With a significant increase in foreign disaster funding over the past year, we have laid the groundwork for a significant increase in our local aid and assistance to thousands of people. In doing so, we are living up to our Christian social responsibility,” said Federal President Sebastian Kurz. It also releases the largest amount of money from the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) for the work of Austrian voluntary organizations in the Council of Ministers.

“The government will quadruple funding for humanitarian assistance between 2024 and 60 million euros annually compared to 2019. It is very important for us to help women, children, the elderly, the sick and the disabled in crisis areas. The planning and continuity of humanitarian assistance is significantly enhanced, ”explains Vice-Chancellor Werner Kokler.

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From Uganda to eastern Ukraine

13.5 million euros in Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique (2 million euros each) and Burkina Faso (1 million euros) in Africa; In the Middle East, 2.5 million euros each has been earmarked for Lebanon and Jordan, 1, 5 million for eastern Ukraine and used by Austrian charities for local aid.

“These countries have been badly shaken by natural disasters, famines, armed conflicts and refugee movements for many years. Africa’s horn is at risk of domino damage, especially if Ethiopia is not confirmed. “By paying, Austrian NGOs working on the site can safely pursue their projects and make a decisive difference to the people,” the foreign minister said.

By 2021, the federal government will provide a total of 52.5 million euros in foreign disaster funding for disasters abroad. The .5 13.5 million disbursement is one of the largest distributions in the history of the fund, handled by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).