Tygodnik Nie is very popular on social media. From profile analysis Emotions on the web (data:Sentimenti) shows that in November 2021, the weekly generated 1.4 million interactions on Facebook. For comparison, TVN24 had 1.8 million interactions, and Onet actually had 888 thousand. Meanwhile, the content of Tygodnik Nie’s Twitter profile got 33.4 million views, and the account itself got 26 thousand mentions and 2.28 million hits.
“Tygodnik Nie” Instagram Profile 227 thousand followers. A few days ago, it changed its name and owner: it took over Michai Marszau.
On other accounts – no change
The Marshal is the person in charge of the social media for the weekly. Changing the account name was a joint decision between the editorial office and myself. It was, among other things, about the shadow (significant limitation on the scope of entries imposed by the Instagram administration for violating regulations – note) that we have been struggling with for some time. I don’t know where that came from. In any case, we came to the conclusion that this can be avoided, If you take over the profile – explains the marshal in an interview with Wirtualnemedia.pl.
Our interlocutor confirms this Nothing will changeWhen it comes to content posted on the profile. – For several years, the profile was half personal, and half “working”, that is, weekly. I decided what content would be there, I was responsible for it from “a” to “zet”, uploaded the graphics, and watched it. Now it will be my private profile, but when it comes to content, nothing will change – Michau Marszau announced.
– Such a change It certainly won’t affect other accounts “Tygodnik Nie” on social media. He adds that I run them and will continue to do so under the newspaper’s banner.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe arrival of “Tygodnik Nie”: quick reaction
In December 2021, the Marshal told us about the patent on social media coverage: – “Hot” posts are our advantage over other sites. In the news media, content is published as planned, even every few minutes, and linked to an external website. We don’t have this, because we didn’t build a separate site. Explain that Facebook loves it because all the traffic stays with them, and people aren’t redirected to other websites.
In 2020, Urma, the publisher of Tygodnik Nie, reported a decline in revenue of 1.8%. to 3.55 million PLN, a decrease in operating costs by 7.3%. To 4.34 million PLN, its net loss decreased from 945.3 thousand PLN to 584.4 thousand PLN. zloty. The company owns several million zlotys of reserve capital, investments and technical works.
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