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They strive for indigenous crafts from Mexico to receive “preferential treatment” with T-MEC – El Financiero

They strive for indigenous crafts from Mexico to receive “preferential treatment” with T-MEC – El Financiero

During the second day of the T-MEC Free Trade Committee meeting, 11 committees put on the table various issues to promote and strengthen trade in the North American region.

It was one of the most prominent topics implemented by the Commercial Affairs Committee On textiles and clothing, where requirements have been established so that original handcrafted, folkloric, traditional or artisanal goods can reach the preferential treatment of tariffs for T-MEC.

“We must continue to work to improve our commercial relationship and the co-production platform that we have reaped after nearly thirty years of economic integration and make sure that workers, farmers, entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies and historically less represented groups (such as indigenous people),” said Tatiana Clawther, Minister of Economy, said she could Take advantage of the benefits provided by the treaty in its entirety.

Another topic discussed during the meeting was the topic of agricultural biotechnology products, the responsibility of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Committee, since last week the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO, for its English acronym) has denounced that Mexico has violated the obligations acquired in the article.

“Mexico has reiterated its commitment to ensuring compliance with the commitments made in the chapter on sanitary and phytosanitary measures, as well as addressing any problem or concern that may arise in a timely manner,” the Economy Ministry said in a report.

On the other hand, the State Owned Enterprises Commission discussed the importance of transparency in the operation of state-owned public companies (EPE), such as Pemex or the Federal Electricity Authority (CFE).

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“T-MEC partners have agreed on the next steps for future negotiations on SOEs for the incorporation of this type of company at the central sub-level in the disciplines of Chapter 22 of the T-MEC in relation to SOEs and designated monopolies.” , The highlight of Economía.

It was also emphasized during the meeting that the North American partners are working on a technical level and continuously in interpreting the rules of origin and applying them correctly to auto commodities.

Other committees that also provided progress were the Customs and Trade Facilitation Committees, the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, Good Regulatory Practices, Competitiveness, Transport Services, Financial Services, and Intellectual Property Rights.

The meeting was also attended by United States Trade Representative Catherine Tay and Canadian Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade Mary Ng.