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Today, strikes continue at Di

Today, strikes continue at Di

The restrictions will continue from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm and the direct reason for the precautionary reduction in the number of flights is participation in the strike of firefighters working at the airport, which forces the closure of some runways and limits the capacity of the entire airport.

This means the situation has worsened compared to Thursday and Friday, which also witnessed strikes at the airport, which resulted in the cancellation of every sixth flight, according to Agence France-Presse.

The protests will continue throughout the weekend and will also continue on the next Saturday and Sunday, said Daniel Burton, CGT headquarters secretary for the ADP group that runs the airport.

Trade unions are demanding a net increase in airport staff wages of 300 euros, but this request has been rejected by employers. According to Burton, the ADP agreed to raise wages by 4 percent this week. He commented, “This is not the current level of inflation, but it is a great progress.”

However, as the agencies noted, most airport ground handling personnel are not employed directly by ADP, but through airlines and the entire network of subcontractors.

After air traffic dropped sharply in the Covid-19 pandemic, the ADP and unions agreed to cut wages. Staff argue that things have since changed — inflation has soared, and staff reductions during the pandemic have to deal with a return to normal airport traffic.

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Bab / Jagoda S.