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Unforgiven: The Controversial Ha*Ash Cover That Stole Metallica Fans’ Hearts

Unforgiven: The Controversial Ha*Ash Cover That Stole Metallica Fans’ Hearts

Covered by Ha*Ash by Metallica (Image: IG @ metallica / IGhaashoficial)
Covered by Ha*Ash by Metallica (Image: IG @ metallica / IGhaashoficial)

the band Metallica It has emerged for being the most emblematic group of the type they have by name. my translators Insert Sandman, Battery, One s All the long nightmare Now they’re going to celebrate their 30th birthday with a funky album like metallica blacklist, It will be a controversial collaboration. Such is the case for the cover of Unforgiven done by pop duo Ha*Ash.

And so, to the amazement of even the most skeptical of fans, the single that came out a few days ago struck the chords of even the most badass metallic character. And it caused a positive reaction among fans of both groups.

The official video, which has so far garnered more than 307 thousand views, shows a copy with the distinctive seal of the group made up of the two women.

Before that, fans did not react and Most of them praised the new collaboration of this classic metal band.

Ha-Ash is a pop duo (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Ha-Ash is a pop duo (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“I’ve always been a fan of Metal, Metallica is my favorite band, like other bands like Slayer, testament, megadeth, etc. I listened to this cover and really liked it, you gotta know how to say when the artist and singer know how to do it greatOne Internet user said.

On the other hand, some YouTubers have stated that they are not fans of pop music, however, when they heard that Ha*Ash plays one of their favorite bands, they realized that other than the musical genre, they are the artists.

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Here’s another Metallica fan, who complained about this cover album, so far this is the best bayr, with his own identity, surprised me. “I congratulate you,” said Edgar Ibarra, who also commented on the video.

Others announced that they only listened to the duo at some of their relatives’ meetings, so they didn’t know what they could achieve.

“I’ve never listened to them in my life, just some songs my sister used to play occasionally but she didn’t care and I didn’t know what to expect from this song because Metallica is my band that has accompanied me all the time my life and I have to say that as soon as I listened to his song it seemed as if he had rediscovered this topic Thank you very much, girls, who gave me such an excellent crawling talent,” another online user wrote.

It should be remembered that after the announcement of the collaborations that Metallica will be Black listIt didn’t take social media users long to create all kinds of memes.

Others confirmed that it will be an unforgettable experience
Others asserted that it would be an unforgettable experience to “see” how the group’s most loyal fans would have to deal with the That’s not going to happen.

On Twitter, the perfect breeding ground for Harassment, it wasn’t far from some messages He expressed his disappointment, as fanatics are considered a copy of Enter the hypnotic Performed by Juanes.

Others confirmed that it would be an unforgettable experience to “see” how the group’s most loyal fans would have to deal with the makers’ collaboration. This will not happen. “nAda is like swimming in metalhead tearssaid a user on Twitter.

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They also took the opportunity to mock the quartet’s fans’ classic assertions, cataloging them Metallica As a band that excels in musical genres, Ironically, new collaborations with pop and reggaeton artists have been plagued.

At the time, the group wrote that it would be a re-celebration of بالا black album. They also developed track list. In it you can read that Alessia Cara and Warning will explain Enter the hypnoticJuan, same thing. Mexican Institute of Sound With JERA Mix s the pearlAnd the classic sad but real. J Balvin, where I can roam.

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