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‘We had very serious cases’: Benjamin Castaldi denounces ZAPTV casting

‘We had very serious cases’: Benjamin Castaldi denounces ZAPTV casting

Benjamin Castaldi created a heated debate about the show TPMP even in summer This Monday, July 4, 2022. Facing Majali Bardah, he denounced, without filter, the castings of reality TV shows.

Good news, on Monday, July 4th, C8 viewers were able to enjoy a new broadcast of TPMP even in summerAnd the With program leader Benjamin Castaldi. And indeed, for a few days, Cyril affectionately said goodbye to his loyal fans, to spend some time for him, on a well-deserved vacation. But don’t panic, show Don’t touch my TV It will return from the beginning of the school year, until at least 2026. But while waiting for his return, the former host secret story He takes the opportunity to deal with the news with a new group of columnists: we find in particular Magali Berdah, Jean-Pascal Lacoste, Maxime Guény or even Jean-Michel Maire.

After a sequence full of anecdotes from columnists around the table, Benjamin Castaldi launched an entirely different discussion specifically related to Mughal Byrd: the reality TV world and the nominees.

Benjamin Castaldi denounces reality TV castings

If Benjamin Castaldi was a reality TV star, this “passion” seems to be passed down from father to son. In fact, for a few years now, Benjamin Castaldi’s son, Simon, has appeared on several reality TV shows: Marseille vs the rest of the worldAnd the Target rest of the world or Beginner Adventurers. But during a discussion with Majali Berda on the subject, Should reality TV be banned?the young mother has turned against several people, including the C8 host.

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The latter wished to put the dots on the letter “i” in relation to the image broadcast by the reality TV candidates: Medicines, plastic surgery, prostitution, opinions were well settled. But if Majali Bairdeh tried at all costs to defend the candidates she runs on a daily basis at her agency, Benjamin Castaldi added some elements of his personal experience to the controversy: If you are a fragile candidate, either with moral weakness or depression. We had very serious cases in Secret Story, very fragile candidates. And our fault for us producers is to accept them, because we know that, and there are inevitably deviationsbefore adding: “I still say if you’re sane, there’s no reason why it should go wrong”, is done. One thing is for sure, this discussion is likely to cause a lot of buzz on social networks.