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Weekly horoscope for each zodiac December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022.  What will the end of the year bring?

Weekly horoscope for each zodiac December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022. What will the end of the year bring?

It’s time to take a breath after Christmas, reorganize your forces and get ready for the new ones that will be brought in by 2022. Check out our weekly horoscope for the end of 2021!

Weekly horoscope for each zodiac December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022

Time for post-vacation thinking. We are jealous of everyone who can enjoy a worthy holiday, and will spend Monday, December 27th at home. Regardless of whether you are starting a new week at work or continuing your vacation – in both cases it will be time to think about the setting of your professional and personal life. Getting things done at the last minute before Christmas is of no use to you – frustration and tiredness disappear. On the other hand, if you plan everything in advance, it turns out that there is little room for pure joy and spontaneity, and that the calculated holidays do not give you rest.

Connection of Moon, Mars and Saturn It will bring you a lot of strength and energy, but also give you a lot of entrepreneurship and creativity. If you plan to implement big ideas for your own business in 2022 at the right time. Use the last week of the year to create a list of issues to be resolved after January 1st and a strategy.

Tuesday if possible On December 28th, spend time with someone (in person or on the phone) who was your spiritual guide during childhood and adolescence., Symbol of maternal care. Mom, grandma, aunt, sister, cousin – everyone can be different. Develop that experience, nurture yourself with it, and remind the person of all you have to pay.

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Wednesday, December 29th Jupiter (the planet of happiness!) Will leave Aquarius and be in Pisces.It marks the wonderful, happy ending of the year. Expected for a long time after the last busy months. You will feel the rise of hope and optimism and liberation from bad news and events. Your own space that you have been searching for for a long time will also appear on the horizon.

For that, thanks to Venus and Mercury, love is hanging in the air! Someone who is already in a relationship will benefit, and what is going to happen will stand in your way. Pssst lucky day for singles is December 30th. Is it worth thinking about inviting someone to a casual New Year’s Eve party?

On January 31st, it’s time to have fun! Even if you spend the New Year only with a friend, partner or spouse, be relaxed and do not think that others are fine. For once, do not worry, have fun that tomorrow is not. Do you like to dance? Dance! Do you want to cook something tasty? Cook it and eat it tasty. Want to stay home alone and watch a movie? Enjoy your company and worthy retirement.

The start of 2022 will do without turmoil in the sky (However, we still suffer from Venus regression). So take the time to charge your batteries. And congratulations – you did it and survived the last 12 months! As we all know, it is not easy.