WhatsApp has new data protection options that now allow for more detailed security settings. The ‘Last Seen’ stamp can now be set, allowing you to control who can see your personal information from your contact list and who can’t.
You can adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your information. You can set the timestamp of last time, profile picture, and status to the following options:
- everybody: Your “Last Seen” timestamp, profile picture, information or status is visible to all WhatsApp users.
- My contacts: The timestamp of the last time, profile picture, about, or status is visible only to contacts in your address book.
- My contacts except…: Your last time stamp, profile picture, or status is visible to all contacts in your address book except those you exclude here.
- no one: The timestamp of the last time, profile picture, about, or status is not visible to anyone.
Now you can better protect your online privacy.
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