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Where and when will the Star Wars Symphony concert take place?  – Finance

Where and when will the Star Wars Symphony concert take place? – Finance

Celebrate the 4th of May Star Wars Day And “The Force” has arrived in Mexico City, where there couldn’t have been a better chance of performing a live concert with music from the cinematic universe created by George Lucas.

Through social media, the Youth Institute and the Ministry of Culture announced the presentation of the symphonic concert for star Wars.

“See you there, maybe the fourth with you,” he describes the Instagram post, referring to Star Wars Day taking the Jedi avatar in the straps.May the force be with you(“The Force is with you”).

appointment in Venustiano Carranza Mayor’s Office Square at 7:00 pm.Admission will be free.

Why is Star Wars Day celebrated?

With nine films, Star Wars has influenced generations. the first, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New HopeAnd in 1977 a global phenomenon that continues to this day.

The Star Wars Day Promoted by followers of the saga, over time it spread on social networks until it became a history celebrated around the world with homemade marathons, festivals, costumes and more.

Some versions indicate that the date was chosen because on May 4, 1979, when letters of congratulation to Margaret Thatcher, who had at that time become Prime Minister, were published in several British newspapers, one notable one was: in the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom dedicated these Evening ferry in London May the force be with you“, Which followers of the tapes used to create a file Star Wars Day.

However, the celebration became significant on May 4, 2011, when the cinema toronto underground cinema organized a festival in it They have shown all the films in the movie series.

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Star Wars Day takes the phrase “May 4th be with you,” because of the phonetic similarity.