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Will Halo Infinite offer multiple story campaigns?  •

Will Halo Infinite offer multiple story campaigns? •

Leaks from the beta version.

Halo Infinite can offer multiple single player campaigns. This is suggested by a graphic file that was leaked from the beta version of the multiplayer mode.

The screen displays a menu with a game mode selection. However, instead of the word ?? campaign ?? Do we see the engraving?? campaigns?? – in combination.

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Such a scenario fits with announcements from developers who have indicated in the past that Halo Infinite will be a platform for diverse experiences and news in the future.

So it’s possible that the game will start with a single campaign, and over the next months – or even years – developers from 343 Industries will expand the story with new chapters.

It is also worth noting that the developers are aware that the beta version of the game includes some information about the single-player mode and ask participants (who deal with data mining) not to post spoilers to the network.

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