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After new stock purchases – Solberg’s husband will resign

Published on 2023-11-21 13.03

Erna Solberg's husband, Sindri Fiennes, has promised to sell his stake following the new revelations.

Erna Solberg’s husband announced that he would sell his stake. Its shares caused a huge storm around the Norwegian opposition leader and former prime minister. Last week he made new purchases.

“I am resigning now, and I will abstain from doing so as long as Erna is a prominent national politician. “In the future, I will gradually sell all my listed individual shares,” said Cinder Venis, who describes it as difficult because it has been a hobby for many years.

The announcement comes after newspaper Dagens Næringsliv revealed that Finnis had traded shares again for NOK 450,000, just days after his wife Erna Solberg opposed some loud resignation demands and announced that she was still the leader of the Hoyer bourgeoisie and intended to be the leader. The party’s candidate for prime minister.

It is now said that by the end of December next year at the latest, “in time for the next parliamentary election”, Husband Fiennes was due to sell his entire estate.

This summer it was revealed that several prominent politicians in Norway or their relatives have problematic stakes. It raised accusations and tangible suspicions of fraud.

Sindre Finnes made thousands of stock trades during the time her husband Erna Solberg was Prime Minister of Norway. Solberg said she did not know this, and complained in a press conference that her husband had not been honest with her.

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