08.02.2024 at 19.35: A correction has been added to the text. Reports stated that the support amounting to more than...
Tony Walters
Yesterday, the European Parliament voted in favor of a bill allowing genomic technologies for plant breeding in the EU, such...
In Wednesday's general audience, Pope Francis continued his teaching of the faith on vices and virtues, and this morning reflected...
A country that, unlike many neighboring countries, has never experienced a military coup and is widely considered a beacon of...
Joe Biden receives harsh criticism, but evades prosecution, according to the Washington Post. picture: EPA/Annabelle Gordon/CNP/PoolIn November 2022, Joe Biden's...
Since last Friday, several wildfires have paralyzed Chile. The areas surrounding the coastal cities of Viña del Mar and Valparaíso...
International police cooperation is crucial to the police's ability to prevent, combat and control crime. More and more key actors...
Viral fake photo. picture: Essex PolicePolice in Essex County in the United Kingdom recently produced a fake CGI image, called...
Updated 15.16 | Published at 00.21share sharebecauseNot savedMemorizesDonald Trump is trailing Joe Biden in the latest NBC poll.The lead is...
For three years of the pandemic, the borders were more or less closed, with sky-high ticket prices, long and irregular...