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Charlotte Gaccio gives her opinion on Bruno Gaccio’s position on the Covid vaccine (video)

Charlotte Gaccio gives her opinion on Bruno Gaccio’s position on the Covid vaccine (video)

Charlotte Gaccio gives her opinion on Bruno Gaccio’s position on the Covid vaccine (video)

guest on South Radio To talk about the new season of Toxic, Charlotte Gaccio evaluates her career and her relationship with her father, screenwriter Bruno Gaccio.

Who says back to school says new TV shows! TF1 starts the year off great by letting viewers discover the sixth season of Toxic This Monday January 3rd from 9:10pm in these new episodes, Charlotte Gaccio (Aurélie Schneck), Natacha Lindinger (Sarah-Amélie Moreau), Fanny Gilles (Véronique), Fred Testot (Xavier Bordat) and all the others have left town for the countryside! A drastic change would benefit them. In fact, the life of a teacher is far from easy. And when Charlotte Gaccio isn’t on set, she’s the head of the Russell family in Tomorrow is ours. Despite the busy schedule, the actress still finds time for her two children, as well as for her parents, Michel Bernier and Bruno Gaccio. And recently, his father did not hesitate to express his opinion on the health crisis that afflicted the country nearly two years ago.

These are his opinions.

They were invited to the buildings South Radio To talk about the new season of ToxicAnd Charlotte Gaccio Her father was questioned. The latter regularly uses Twitter to share his political thoughts and opinion on the health crisis. If the government requires everyone to vaccinate in order to stop the epidemic, the former leader of Information flashes On Canal + Against Let it be known. But his daughter does not share his opinion: “I see his tweets go through. When I find him smart and funny, I love him. When I find it’s not that much and it’s okay. These are his opinions. I don’t affect my life what I decide to do with it.

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I see no point in being angry with him for that.”

The actress appeared in Then Slim 2 Let it be known that she respects his way of thinking, even though it’s not on the same page. “I don’t want to get mad at my dad because he doesn’t want to be vaccinated. I don’t see the point in being angry at him for that“She explains. She then takes the opportunity to inform her father, who has recently tested positive for Covid-19.”It’s his life and he does with it what he wants. He just got caught there so he’s going to get a little health clearance for six months. He’ll finally be able to get out‘,” she declares, explaining that it could have been contaminated by someone who has already been vaccinated.