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Episode 3 revealed what all Star Wars fans have been waiting for

Episode 3 revealed what all Star Wars fans have been waiting for

Warning: This note contains spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 3.

From the moment the Obi-Wan Kenobi was announced, Star Wars fans have been excited about the possibility of a Jedi Master and Darth Vader reunion, and expectations were raised when it was confirmed that the Sith Lord will appear in the series that will watch until Hayden Christensen returns.

With this, Obi-Wan Kenobi broke records and became the most-watched premiere of the original Disney+ series to date, surpassing The Mandalorian, which was also a huge hit.

The first two episodes of the premiere were pretty good but fans were left wanting to see more of Darth Vader because he only appeared for a few seconds at the end, without his armor and inside a bacteria tank, but… Episode 3 has finally delivered what we’ve all been waiting for, and this is the reunion between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader..

The episode started exactly where the previous episode left off, with Ben Kenobi and Leia escaping on a merchant road ship, as the Jedi attempts to contact his former master Qui-Gonn and show fear and concern that Anakin is still alive, all while cross-legged and scenes showing Vader wearing His shield in his castle located in Mustafar.

The third sister informs Vader that they were looking for Kenobi and that they already have some potential locations, so the investigators launched investigations to try to locate him, which they succeeded in doing thanks to the Empire’s occupation of the planet Mapuzu. Sent by Estree need.

When the investigation indicated the presence of Kenobi, Darth Vader and the detectives traveled to the site and the Sith discovered the existence of his former master and demonstrated his ferocity by attacking civilians there.

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Kenobi would have eloped with Leia thanks to the help of Estree’s contact, a double agent named Tala (by the way he’s part of a group that helped the other Jedi), but decides to send them alone to try to distract the Sith. This way Obi-Wan takes another path and chases Vader after him in a moment of great tension, until they finally come face to face, light their flashlights, and Kenobi says “What have you become?” Vader replies, “I am what you made of me.”

Kenobi keeps trying to escape, but the Sith pursue him so they have a lightsaber duel where Vader is clearly much better, in fact telling Kenobi that “the years have made him weak”.

Vader gains the upper hand in the duel, stating that he should have killed him when he had the chance, until they get to the point where the Sith Kenobi forcibly grabs, sets a fire and throws his former master into the flames, and says he’s going to suffer now and that your pain has just begun.

Things seem so bad for Kenobi that a squad of Stormtroopers arrive on the scene, but Tala decides to leave Leia alone and go out to help the Jedi, which she manages to do by shooting a soldier and setting a fire that manages to keep Kenobi safe.

The duel is over for now, but there’s no doubt we’ll see more of this in the next episodes, in addition to the fact that the plot is complicated by the fact that the third sister intercepts Leah before she arrives with the pilot who will take her back to Diran.

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Undoubtedly an episode full of nostalgia and emotions for Star Wars fans, and by the way, a noteworthy detail is that Darth Vader’s voice is responsible for James Earl Jones, as confirmed by the final credits.

The first three episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi are available on Disney+, with a fourth premiere on Wednesday, June 8.

Javier Flores Villarreal is a fan of video games, movies, series, cars and good music. You can find him on Twitter as Tweet embed.