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Eva Cobox in Donald Duskin’s words regarding the 500 Plus

Eva Cobox in Donald Duskin’s words regarding the 500 Plus

Donald Dusk told a meeting in Szczecin, “Eva Cobox had a prepared plan, which was similar to the 500 Plus, with similar results.” However, the Polish politician explained that the former prime minister “struggled to normalize the situation after the global financial crisis last year”. Dusk explained that our country has handled it effectively and can launch “big community projects”. PO also said it would “introduce it at that time”.

Eva Cobax quoted Donald Tusk as saying about the 500 Plus

Kobax referred to the case in “Kropka Not I”. He assured that the scheme was never called “500 Plus”. – Probably Donald Dusk wanted to say that there are similar support programs not only for children, but for whole families – commented the former Prime Minister.

MEP also spoke about the lies that are being repeated in his opinion by law and justice representatives. “Initially it was very difficult for them, but they gave 500-plus,” Cobox said, referring to the stories of Pius politicians. The reason is that the PO is said to have “left Poland’s financial situation and public funds in a dilapidated form and in excess deficit practice”.

In 2015, Cobox was responsible for the finances of Poland.

Kobas stressed that “in May 2015, the European Commission eliminated Poland from the practice of overstaffing.” – We have left you healthy public funds, so you can give left and right. By ensuring the correctness of public funds, you can reassure people of what we cannot do, not only from the perspective of the four-year government, but also from thinking about the future of our children and grandchildren – in short.

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Also read:
There will be significant changes in the 500+ program. The government has prepared a bill