Agronia farmers and activists by Micha Kołodziejczak began blocking the road from Władysławowo to Hel. It is meant to be a gesture of solidarity with the fishermen. The siege is to last until the 16th.
In cooperation with the police, only vehicles with premium services, such as ambulances, police cars, fire brigades and cars used by young children, are allowed to pass.
– Fishermen cannot catch fish, they are forbidden by law, so today they went out on the road. The Polish state has pledged to pay reparations and has not yet done so. This government made an appointment with them, signed an agreement, but did not withdraw the money. These people were recently in the Sejm and gave an ultimatum until yesterday – said Mikhail Kudzicchak, the leader of Agronya. It is about the ban on cod fishing in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea, which took place last fall. has been extended.
Our ships are at rest, and soon they will begin to sink. The ships are full of millions. Some work abroad to pay off ship loans parked here in ports. People from the government, they come and make a deal
Said one of the demonstrators during the radio start of the siege.
Fishermen say officials have forgotten about recreational fishing. – We made money by transporting tourists and people who were fishing by ships. They also made their money from gastronomy, accommodation, and gas stations. Poles, Germans and people came from all over the world. They left the money here, we paid the taxes, and now we can do nothing – he added.
– The fishermen were deceived. Another protester said that is why we are here and we will stay here until the government wakes up and engages in dialogue.
Protest of fishermen and farmers in Wadisiwavu. Fender pictures:
Photo: Wojciech Stróżyk / East News
Photo: Wojciech Stróżyk / East News
Photo: Wojciech Stróżyk / East News
– I wanted to apologize to the drivers and to the public for The difficulties caused by our protest, but please believe that the organizer of this protest is the Prime Minister and the government, not us. It can be canceled at any time. One phone call is enough: “Come to Warsaw to meet, for interviews.” We automatically get out of the siege. But this government has no good intentions – said on Saturday in Władysławowo Andrzej Antosik of the Kryzysowy crew of fish ship owners.
– A year and a half ago, these people were prohibited by law from working due to bad regulations. They have invested millions in order to create jobs for themselves. People are on strike here, who have to check their incisors for tens of thousands of zlotys every five years. They pay ZUS and other fees every month. This is a closed business with a capital of several million dollars. Today and until the 16th, this blockade will continue, and there will be more of it in the country after next Sunday. Farmers’ issues remain unresolved – added Kołodziejczak at a subsequent press conference.
The rest of the article can be found below the video
This is another manifestation of fishing vessel owners
This is the third offer for fisheries owners on Earth. Three weeks ago, they closed the entrances to Lipa and Ustka, and two weeks ago, they closed Route 216 in Wadisow. During those protests, fishermen would cross the pedestrian crossing and allow waiting cars to pass every few minutes.
“Given the tragic situation of the recreational fishing vessel owners, we have decided to resume the protests. So far, the agreement signed with the then Minister of Maritime Economy Marek Grobarczyk (signed January 16, 2020 – PAP) has not been implemented. It does not return to work anymore. The Baltic Sea is our only fishery, and the ban on fishing for cod will be extended. The shipowners decided to block the coastal cities from the land side, and let this strict form draw the attention of the government ” – announced the shipowners crisis staff in a fisheries press release.
On Thursday, the Director of the Maritime Economy Department at the Ministry of Infrastructure Mariola Chujnaka announced, during the session of the SEM Committee for Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, that representatives of the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation ( canceled in October 2020) “met with the owners and owners of commercial yachts several times. This made it possible to estimate the losses they are experiencing due to the restrictions imposed in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.”
She added that the support may reach a maximum of 200,000. PLN for each yacht, and the assistance was an intervention “aimed at supporting entrepreneurs who were unable to continue their activities as a result of COVID-19.”
Shujnaka reported that 107 cases were examined, of which 58 applicants fulfilled the conditions for granting support in a total amount of PLN 14 million. Financial support ranged from 200 to 600 thousand. PLN per applicant.
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