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In Spiderman No way Home, Doctor Octopus returns with Alfred Molina

In Spiderman No way Home, Doctor Octopus returns with Alfred Molina

The rumors are true and the multiverse will be present in the new installment of the arachnic movie, with Alfred Molina returning as one of the villains of Spider-Man in the next third installment of Spiderman: No way home, One of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, which stars Tom Holland.

“When we were filming the movie, we all got orders not to talk about it, because it was supposed to be a big secret,” said Molina, laughing. During an interview with diverse . “But, you know, it’s on the Internet. Really, I described myself as the worst in Hollywood! “

Instead, Molina not only confirmed his participation in “No Way Home” but also confirmed his participation Thankfully details his experience making the movie He returned to the role he made for the first time in the movie “Spider-Man 2” by Sam Remy in 2004.

“It was wonderful,” he said. “It was very exciting to be back 17 years later to play the same role, given that in the intervening years, I now have two chins, crow’s feet, and a little sloppy looking.”

When actor John Watts, director of “No Way Home,” asked how the movie would bring Doc Ock back, because, as he indicated, “she’s dead,” Molina said the director told him: “In this universe, you don’t really die “.

In Spider-Man 2, Molina played the scientist Otto Octavius, who was predestined for Toby Maguire by Peter Parker when a laboratory accident turned him into the murderous Doctor Octopus, or Doc Oak in short, named for the four fused mechanical arms on his device. back.


On orders from Harry Osborne (James Franco), Doc Ock’s distorted obsession with mastery of his experimental fusion reactor pits him against Spider-Man, Mary Jane, and Threatening the entire New York City. In the movie’s climax scene, Peter appeals to Otto’s good side, W. He sank and his reactor On the East River before the city was destroyed.

Molina said, in their first conversations, Watts told him that the movie He’ll capture Doc Ock’s story from “That Moment” on the river, Which in the multiverse franchise, time travel, and disparate timelines seems quite plausible.
