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London Rules, All Fire, All Women |  Music  Arts |  the sun

London Rules, All Fire, All Women | Music Arts | the sun

TheThe fairy tale that turns into a nightmare is also a classic in the music industry. When the three London Grammar members, in their twenties, hit playlists with their 2013 debut album Electro / trip-hop (If you were waiting), Dive into the Land Use Tour / Promo / Squeezer

“We were made to think it was natural, and that’s what we have to do, but it’s not a pattern that works for everyone: Some artists can do the rounds indefinitely, they love it, they draw energy from it, others need to balance with time at home from Yes creation. I, I can’t write on the road, “explains Hannah Reed in a video interview from London.

Added to this picture is the work to undermine the “misogyny” of the environment. The technicians don’t budge when the singer-songwriter requests an adjustment, which is a problem the boys on set, Dot Major and Dan Rothman don’t face. The same goes for photos. He is forced to wear a short skirt while the other two can keep their clothes at the supermarket. The respected BBC Radio 1 should apologize in 2013 after a tweet describing Hannah Reed as “very good” …

Commander of course

End of the tour for the second album, which was released in 2017 (Truth is a beautiful thing), Represents a break. It is above all the body of Hannah Reed who says stop, paralyzed by “chronic pain”. “Honestly, I tried everything, acupuncture and yoga,” she says. “What helped me is diet change, meditation, and especially speech therapy.”

A word that you also take inside the trio and naturally become a leader by setting frameworks and guarantees for the rest of the adventure.

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casing California soilReleased Friday, this new situation illustrates. Alone on a small island, under a menacing sky, her image is reflected in the water: the grammatical thinker London has emerged from the storms and can look at himself in the mirror. “There is a feeling of loneliness and weakness and this image of strength, and yes, subconsciously, the ability to look at yourself in the mirror.”

The idea of ​​a fresh start permeates songs like California soil And the USA. “I use the metaphor of the American dream to describe what is happening to me: When I lost my health, I felt I lost everything and rebuilt almost everything from scratch.”


The feeling that there is nothing more to lose is fuel. Video How you feel about it He sees her burning, like the heroine in Quentin Tarantino, at home where her soon-to-be “ex” boyfriend, who hasn’t taken her seriously.

And in the entertainment world, is it better to consider a woman now? “I have noticed a change, on a personal level, in the way people talk to me and respect me more, but, in general, the awareness of the music industry has not yet reached the level of Hollywood. For the cinema with the #MeToo movement.”

And denounce the deceptive effects of the still existing “patriarchy”. At the head of record labels or brands, most of us find nothing but old men: “It’s discouraging for young women in this profession.”

But things are changing. London Grammar’s third album is proof of this. Brighter than its predecessors, it is a message of hope to all those who feel left out.

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