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Ninisto should not serve the nationalists

Sauley Niinisto’s penultimate year as president was the most dramatic of his eleven years in office to date. He has been heard and seen more than ever before and much more than the President of Finland usually does. It is very important to give a picture of openness and availability because uncertainty is evident. The reason for the president’s activity, of course, is Russia and what the country’s dictator Vladimir Putin did and forced others to respond.

The New Year’s address is an excellent opportunity for the president to set guidelines, put his foot down and put his cards on the table in front of the citizens as well as in front of an international audience. The latter a year ago reacted more than usual to the president’s New Year’s speech. In the past year, Niinisto has garnered a lot of attention and often, his views have been presented in a series in line with changes in the foreign policy environment and security policy.

Ninisto was amazed 2022 is very clear in his messages, compared to before when what he said wasn’t always so clear and might have been misinterpreted. This was the year when Finland’s relationship with Russia changed radically, and probably for a long time to come.

The open and direct criticism against Russia is unparalleled in modern times. Niinisto also continued this streak in his New Year’s speech.

We lived in a dream world The decades after the turn of the millennium, they believed that most of the world would adopt our model, our liberal and democratic system. It didn’t work out that way and now he’s the last to realize it and learn to live with it.

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Niinisto puts it this way in his New Year’s speech: “We have to learn that not everyone wants us as a model or acts in a way that we consider correct. We have to learn to interact with a different model and a different behavior. A model that is authoritarian and aggressive at worst.”

We and many others believed that Russia would join the normal relations and act between states by establishing good and close economic relations with the West. But it turns out that Putin didn’t think so.

Now Niinisto says we must understand that there is also evil in the world. “Evil cannot be silenced by good alone. Evil must be confronted decisively and resolutely. But always so that we are not guilty of evil.”

Niinistö ser yet hot and questions, as it has so many times before, whether the tolerance we display can also contain a dangerous credulity or credulity.

It is time for us to wake up and think about internal security as well. Finland is open and tolerant, and in this respect we have crept up on top in the Nordic countries, and perhaps in the whole world. There is a lot of good in it. Admittedly, there is also a pitfall to being the most forgiving person. Evil is good at finding weaknesses. In the Nordic countries, they now want to strengthen public order and the safety of individuals,” says Niinisto.

It is of the opinion that Finns are perhaps the most tolerant in the world! Could this really be the case? It also highlights the Nordic countries that are tightening their immigration and criminal policy. Denmark leads the way and the new Swedish government is now following suit.

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Consideration required Our Homeland Security is certainly innovations in our immigration policy as well, but what Niinisto says now can be exploited by racist and anti-immigration forces in a dangerous way. Niinisto should be more clear about what he means, where he thinks lines should be drawn and what is wrong with our current system.

It is basically a matter of domestic politics that does not belong to the president’s table in the strict sense of the word, but if he chooses to delve into the topic, he should be more explicit to avoid misinterpreting it and using it in a narrow nationalist way.

Ninisto also wants to plant Optimism and positive thoughts. He points out that we have gotten through hard times in the past, and we certainly will now, too.

We have survived wars, the Great Energy Crisis and economic recessions. Even after more rigorous testing than the current ones, we’ve always built something better. We will definitely manage this as well.”

Certainly, the Finnish sisu is still there and is in demand again.