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‘No Panties’ video: Chantal Joya’s surprise rant in the Box of Secrets

‘No Panties’ video: Chantal Joya’s surprise rant in the Box of Secrets

Friday December 17 in secret chestChantal Joya brought a Barbie doll with her doll. The doll checked during the show, is not wearing panties… “That’s not possible! They don’t!” , She said.

It is an imitation of the show. At the end of secret chest, in France 3, after discovering many surprises inside the chests in front of them, this time the guests left a The thing dear to them Inside. Something they will find in a few years. Chantal Goya, Helen Segara and Pinabar did not break with tradition, Friday 17 December. singer having dinner The character of Hulk who has brought him good luck since his song debut. A statue he put on the piano every time he played. singer I love you She also picked one lucky thing: the Virgin Medal. “I am a person who had faith very late, but today I am very convinced, because so many beautiful miracles have happened to me”She explained that the necklace brings luck to whoever finds it. Finally a singer Beccasin, she’s my cousin, Submitted Barbie.

Chantal Joya: Well there ah, still no panties! this is not possible !”

“I leave a very good memory going back to 1980 when I sang The Doll”Chantal Goya explained as she brushed Barbie’s hair. “This doll, it comes from far away, it’s from the United States, and it’s me, I explained. What do you compliment Faustin Pollaert so that Chantal Goya starts looking under Barbie’s skirt. “Wait, I’ll see something… Well there ah, still no panties! this is not possible ! Don’t use it!Jean-Jacques Debot’s wife regretted it. A bit awkward sequence, as the host subtly said: “We missed you Chantal, we definitely missed you.”Faustin Bollaert declared, before concluding: “Thank you for this very symbolic gift… and have been wearing it ever since.” “Enough for?”I asked Chantal Joya. Panties of course. On the other hand, there are three panties which, as the singer joked, are useless…so it is necessary to pass them on to the layers.

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