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PM: We will do everything to eliminate the losses as soon as possible

PM: We will do everything to eliminate the losses as soon as possible

We will do everything we can to quickly eliminate the losses that have arisen here; Prime Minister Matos Moraveki said in Kyokoso that direct aid had already reached an account in the Commune of Boviat, Mylanis. The head of government was staying in flood-affected areas.

On Saturday night, storms passed through several districts of Monopolska, causing a sudden increase in water in rivers and streams, flooding buildings and roads. Prime Minister Matos Moraveki visited Głogoczów on Sunday evening.

In nearby Griskovis and the whole of Mylanis Boviat, we also saw the greatest loss of people, the greatest losses due to the most violent rains. 100 millimeters per square meter in a very short period of time This small river, stream, stream, (…) three meters overflowed the banks – Said the head of government.

He stressed that many farms were submerged as a result of the flash floods and fortunately no one was injured. “All the services here are superior to the occasion,” the Prime Minister noted.

Here, from Monopolska, we can swear to you We will do everything we can to ensure that these losses are eliminated quicklyAs well as financial assistance, direct one, as Voyote told me, (…) has already arrived at the account here in Boiat, Mylenis Commune, we will try to help as soon as possible – Announced as Prime Minister.

He insisted Communal infrastructure was also affected. The road repairs we did, the modernization and the construction of the roads we did recently, were unfortunately affected. But we certainly will not shake our hands and recreate it all – He promised.

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Prime Minister Magopolska Wojciech, who was in Geokokso, was accompanied by Sukas Kimita, who accompanied the head of government to a meeting of crisis management staff. He said he had made a decision with the mayor to pay the first concessions quickly to those most in need. 192,000 Slodis assistance has already been ordered and the money will go to the victims’ accounts tomorrow morning – He announced.

He stressed that all services subordinate to the Lesser Polish Voyage, police, fire brigade and regional security forces are assisting the affected people.

He pointed out that there were already reports of storms passing through successive communes in Monopolska. These include, among others, Radov, Apno, Lycia Gera – He changed. These are other local governments where there is flooding and the roofs have been torn down – he said.

Kmita added Children were detained from four camps in Wyodoship.

Storms over Poland. IMGW issued tertiary warnings

Due to the flood situation and further rains announced, Prime Minister Matos Moraveki decided to stay in Masopolska until Monday. “Here, in Mylanis Bowieat, people suffered heavy losses due to heavy rains. Fortunately, no one was injured, but no such flood has been seen here before. Where can we synchronize the work of uniformed services? Thanks a lot to the mobilization and professionalism, because all the services here operate very efficiently and unselfishly. “- The Prime Minister wrote in the evening on Facebook.

Meteorological and Water Management Institute released on Sunday The third, highest degree of warning for VoToship is for Podkarpoki and Manopolsky, as well as for the southern districts of the province. Silesian and Laplin. Thundershowers. They can receive up to 70 L / sq m of heavy rainfall, and domestically, up to 100 L / sq m. During storms, winds can reach speeds of up to 100 km / h. Hail may fall in some places.

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On Saturdays and Sundays, firefighters intervened several hundred times in Masopolska. More than 200 reports came from Mylanis Boviat, where heavy damage was caused by heavy rains in the commons of Mylanis, Tokarnia and Sukovis. In some parts of the district, about 100 liters of water per square meter was released.

Jacobianca underwater. Flash flood in Monopolska

Mabopolska Fire Brigade spokesman Sebastian Voniak told BAP, 200 residential and farm buildings were flooded in Mylanis Bowieat – Firefighters evacuated water from the morning. High-capacity pumps were used to remove water from the Geocoxo over an area of ​​approximately 2 ha. Twenty-two residents were evacuated from six buildings that were flooded. In Geokokso, water flooded National Road No. 7, “Zakobianka”, and the route was blocked for three hours. At least three bridges in Krzyszkowice and a flooded sewage treatment plant were damaged.

This was of concern in other parts of Monopolska as well. The state of emergency surpassed Skovinka in Radzisso and Srenyava in Biscops. Flood warning issued in Squina.

A large number of works were carried out by the fire brigade at Vittanovis in Wadowis Boviat, where water flowing with mud and silt from the fields flooded about 20 buildings and local roads. In Radziso, firefighters fortified the crown of the block in Scovinga with bundles of sand – the situation was stable at this point in the afternoon.

At Corlis Bowie, it was decided to expel the scout camp from the scout. 107 children and five caregivers migrated to the school in Kobilanka. In the afternoon, it rained on Dornow Bowieat – firefighters received dozens of reports from Lycia Cora – worrying about flooded buildings and broken roofs.

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In the evening, it was decided to evacuate the next scout camps to safer places. Novi Dark and Korsachiska and Vittovis Tolne nowosądecki in the area from Jவvorki in the region.

Flooded roads, evicted scout camps. The storms passed in Poland