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The honesty of Britney Spears dad is commendable

The honesty of Britney Spears dad is commendable

Mexico City- According to James Spears, Britney Spears’ mentor, he is not the villain of the story, but he should be commended for the way he handled the singer’s problems.

James, who has controlled his daughter’s finances since 2008, filed a file in Los Angeles County Court earlier this month in which he asserted he was Britney’s lifesaver, even at the expense of his reputation.

“If the public knew all the facts about Mrs. Spears’ personal life, not only the happy moments but also the downs, all the addictions and mental health issues she has struggled with, and all the challenges of guardianship, they would praise Mr. Spears for his work, they would not be demeaned.”

“But the public does not know the facts and has no right to know them, so there will be no public redemption for Mr. Spears,” the Daily Mail quoted the document provided by attorney Vivian Touraine, representing Jamie, as saying.

The 39-year-old “Scream & Shout” singer petitioned a judge in late July to dismiss her father from his role as guardian.

A week ago, it turned out that James had agreed to step down if there was an orderly transition.

However, analysts in the American media read between the lines of the court file and saw that what it raised was, in fact, an objection to the abolition of his guardianship.

“There is no doubt that the guidance saved Miss Spears from disaster, supported her when she was most needed, protected her and her reputation from harm, and facilitated the restoration of her career,” the text reads.

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A new hearing for the case will be held on September 29.